Thursday, October 03, 2024

(in the voice of Crocodile Dundee): That's not a long run

A long run is 18 miles or more. Less than that, even a tenth of a mile less, does not qualify. Why, you may ask? Why make the threshold 18 and not 17 or 20? Why classify long runs at all? Good questions. Decades ago, back when 20 miles was the minimum for my long runs, I read somewhere that anything approaching 30 kilometers (18.6 miles) takes considerable effort and time, and therefore could be considered long. At that point, I knocked my threshold down a notch from 20 to 18. Don't get me wrong; twenty is still better than eighteen if distance is your goal. But many times eighteen is just fine or at least, good enough. I classify long runs as such because my log allows me to, But more than that, I prepare, pack, and act differently for my long runs. I drink more fluids and eat more carbs the previous day. I pack gels, bodyglide, and other stuff for the run. I also dress differently (or at least more thoughtfully), and at least begin long runs more conservatively whilst being more mindful of nutrition and hydration during the runs. For more long run information, see this post where I republished an article on the subject.

Today's run on Lester Rail Trail (my most frequent long run venue) begins slow and easy. My expected 5:00 AM companions do not show up, so I am running alone until the 6:00 AM crowd arrives. That's okay; I enjoy the cool early morning darkness. After such a hot summer, the chill is quite welcome. The stars are like bright little diamonds shining down on me. I never quite wake up enough to get moving very fast, but only five days after Akron, I don't mind too much. 

The 6:00 throng of runners consists of Shannon Barnes. Slim pickings these days, but I'm very happy to have Shannon's company. Now, the pace improves significantly. That's good; it couldn't have gotten much slower. We talk a lot, and this helps pass the time and the miles. Soon, we're done with another six-mile loop, but we decide to do two more miles, just for the heck of it.

When it's time for Shannon to leave, I decide to call it a day as well. I have 14 miles in, and I'm well aware that 14 is less than 18. That's okay. It's not a long run failure, it's a short run over-achievement.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

2024 Akron Marathon Race Report

It's hard! Really hard!! Of course, I'm talking about the 2024 Akron Marathon. What did you think I meant?

Besides that overall hardness, there are hills, humidity, a fair amount of heat, and heavy legs to contend with. Then you need to add a healthy dose of humility to all that. Now, you're getting the picture.

Three weeks ago, I ran the Erie Marathon, and I (somehow) exceeded expectations. I decided to keep expectations low today, given the hills and expected humidity. I would stay with the four-hour pace group much longer this time, and only go faster in the last couple of miles, if possible. Two years ago, I also ran both of these races, and that time, Akron had the better weather and the better race result. Today, I'd settle for a simple 3:59 again,

I managed to stay near the four-hour pace group through half-way (in around 1:58) until the famous hills of Sand Run. That's when those horrendous hills took their toll on me. I just could not stay with the group, no matter how hard I tried. Even up to mile 20 (in about 3:03), I still thought I had a chance for a sub-4. But then there were still more hills. And that humidity refused to let up. Not to mention the humility.

My finish time was a disappointing 4:04. At least I won my ancient age group. As always, I can say that although it was a tough day, the Akron Marathon organizers did a wonderful job, as they always do. And it was great to see all of my friends out there. You just can't beat camaraderie like that.

After the finish - Julie Boggs, Shannon Barnes, Theresa Wright, Dan Horvath, Sharon Sibilski

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Pride goeth before the fall (and not for the first time)

I'm stumbling, stumbling, falling forward but not quite reaching the ground, stumbling, stumbling some more......

Wednesday mornings are for Lake Medina. My friends and I usually do one to three 3.5-mile loops that include the asphalt lower portion along with the crushed limestone trail adjacent to the lake. We begin in the dark, at 5:00 AM. 

I am talking too much, as usual. This time, it's about how Sharon Sibilski and I will be carpooling to Saturday's Akron Marathon. That's when the bump in the pavement gets me. I should say that there are a lot of bumps, ridges, and other uneven sections that tend to swallow up unwary runners. Especially in the dark. Especially runners who don't pick up their feet and don't pay attention to where they're running.

As I begin my tumble, I start to think that I may yet come out of this without becoming entirely horizontal. After a couple of more steps, I still cling to this hope. But I reach out to put my hands in front of me to break the fall, just in case. Good thing, because after oh, a mile or two of stumbling, I do finally lose my verticality for good. 

I manage to fall mostly on my hands, and just a little on my right leg. A few scrapes and a little pain, but no blood. I immediately let everyone know that I'm okay. They're all fairly kind and caring. Most importantly, they don't laugh too very hard. Except to comment that "You almost made it!"

It wasn't the first time. In fact, I had another fall that may well have been from the very same bump. Sadly, it probably won't be my last either.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Something of Slight Substance (SOSS)

He wasn't expecting a stellar workout. Just something that's better than nothing, otherwise known as a Something of Slight Substance (SOSS) run, since it's only four days till Akron. But even that ain't happening. The run starts at the same time as a slight drizzle. That light rain gradually becomes more and more substantial however. His friends are here, but they are not feeling it today, either. After hardly even getting started, he is done for the day. At least on the track.

He hates the mill. But it may be the only chance at salvation given this now-heavy rain. He drives home and steps on his old, trusty True. 4 by 1200 is the plan. You know. The one that just popped into his head. He does manage to do them, and even one more. As he finishes up, he thinks, this whole morning turns out to be not too very terribly awful.

Just Something of Slight Substance.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Weak to go

Oh, wait. I meant week to go. Not weak. I'm not weak at all. Nope. Strong like bull.

It's now been two weeks since Erie, and I've been back at it. After an easy week, including a long and sleepless weekend working NEO24, I ran pretty hard and fairly well during this one-and-done in-between week of training. For next week, I plan to take it fairly easy, tapering at least a little more than the one day I did for Erie. I hope that during this time, I can recover even a little more since I'm probably not quite back up to 100% yet. We will see how all that works out.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Picture This


~44 laps at Claggett Middle School Track 

It was Yasso Day. I was up to the task. Nice when a plan comes together. I'm (barely) wise enough to understand that they don't always. So appreciate it when they do.

10 x 800

Today's 800s were all between 3:52 and 3:59; just what I wanted. I still need to get into better shape in the next week and a half before Akron. Maybe I should begin training harder?

Sunday, September 15, 2024

NEO24 Un-Race Report

Keen followers may recall that Dan is Done... With ultras, that is. That's still the case, but he did help his friend Larry Orwin organize a new event, NorthEast Ohio 24-Hour Run, aka NEO24. It was tons of fun and quite the event. Our team had been striving to make NEO24 much like NC24 (which hasn't been run since 2019), albeit at a different venue. I think we succeeded. I didn't compete; I only helped and watched. That's why this is an un-run, un-race report.

Friday: I arrive at Brunswick Lake Park early, set up the 'Dumpster here' sign, rent the truck, and proceed to meet RD Larry in Akron. Akron is the home of the Running Forward / Giving Back storage area. This organization puts on ultramarathon races for charitable causes and maintains some equipment for any/all. As part of RFGB, NEO24 will donate its proceeds directly to Roy Heger's charity, Run to Share. Joe Vasil helps us load the truck with all sorts of stuff we'll need. We proceed to Larry and Chris' home in Chagrin Falls, in order to load even more stuff. Our final stop is Giant Eagle in Brunswick, where we load over 200 heavy gallons of drinking water. After setting up a few tents and stuff, it's off to dinner at Bianca's, where 20+ of us listen as Pete Kostelnick tells some great stories.

The start

Saturday: After my shortened run, I arrive at Brunswick Lake Park early, although not quite early enough. Larry informs me that the truck has already been unloaded. This, at 6:00 AM! We continue setting up until the race starts at 8:00. That start is exciting, as are the early hours of the race. It's wonderful to see all of my new and old friends. Some I haven't seen in a half-decade or so. And they're all doing great. Until they aren't. It gets hot fast, and that eventually takes its awful toll on just about everyone. We volunteers try hard to keep everyone hydrated. We volunteers, by the way, are also working hard and sweating nearly as much as the runners. But there's love and appreciation all around.

Volunteers and organizers

It seems to get hotter as the day progresses. Until it doesn't. Finally, the sun begins to set, and the evening air begins to cool off. What a relief. More friends, old and new, are coming and going. It's fun. This 'magic time' of the day should be enjoyable, and it undoubtedly is for most everyone. Except me. I'm dead tired, so I head home a bit earlier than planned, for an evening nap.

Sunday: I had hoped to sleep until about 2:45 AM, but instead, I awake about an hour and a half earlier. Unable to sleep any more, I slowly get myself together for the long 2.5-mile drive back over to Brunswick Lake. By now, it's close to 3:00 AM, and the cool nighttime air feels great. I find my friend Chadwick Sunday, and run some of the 1-mile loops with him. He's always a pleasure to be with, but especially so right now. I encourage him as best I can, telling him how much confidence I have that he will make it. Make it to 100 miles, that is. Five miles, plus a couple more here and there, are about all I can manage. That's okay; I didn't expect this to be a great running day, at least for myself. Everyone else, however, is doing great! And that's so good to see! As the hours wear on and dawn approaches, many of the competitors are reaching their mileage goals. Lary announces those who achieve 100 miles, and eventually, Chadwick, Pete, and another old friend, John Hnat are among them. It's about as inspiring as it can get.

PS: Cleanup is always a chore when everyone is so darn tired. Today was no different. It was also tough to drive the loaded-up truck back to Akron for the unloading (with Larry and Chris), before returning it to Brunswick. But it was all good. And, as I say, very inspiring.