Saturday, January 08, 2022

Can You Keep Up?


It was a simple question: "Are you able to keep up with them?" Debbie asked it after I talked about my plans to run with my friends again the following morning. "Oh yeah," I answer. "Usually. Well, mostly. Well, sometimes. Okay, Occasionally," I qualify. But then came today's run itself.

I'm on the Lester Rail Trail for the first time in a while. And it'll be a while before I'm here again. Michelle and Andy Wolff and I had run one six-mile loop, and now Harold Dravenstott has joined us for a second one. Although we'd started in the dark, it's clear, yet very cold, and the sun is just beginning to rise. I reflect on the fact that I love running here.

Unfortunately, after a couple more miles, I am also beginning to reflect on the current problem at hand: I'm getting tired. Michelle and I fall back a little, but my ability to maintain even this slower pace is failing. Eventually, I have had enough. I announce that I'm turning around and heading back to the parking area.

Thus, I have to say that this was one of the days when I could not keep up. I suppose I should add yet another qualification to the answer to Debbie's question: "Only when there's a blue moon."

At least I got 11 in today. And I'm still recovering from last weekend's BM. And I ran for three consecutive days prior to today. And I still need to get myself into decent shape. And...

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