Tuesday, December 12, 2023

To Do Two Too Bad Runs

Cool Runnings. 28F didn't sound too bad. But as soon as I stepped out of the car, the wind hit me, and I knew it really was too bad. To do two of these too-bad runs, back to back, was a bit too much.

Shannon Barnes was the only other brave runner to show up at the track today, so it was just the two of us. I suppose everyone else caught a case of wisdom. That never happens to me. We actually managed to run something of substance (a 1600/1200/800/400 ladder), and then it was time to cool down and for Shannon to stretch. 

I did some stretching in sympathy, but mostly so we could talk a little more. Not to mention that we were temporarily sheltered from the wind. The trouble was, when this was over and it was time for Shannon to leave, I still had four-ish cold miles to go. So I started my run number two with some measure of trepidation.

There are times when I am able to pick the pace back up after everyone else leaves. This was not one of those times. I did get the mileage in, but there was nothing of substance.

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