Thursday, July 06, 2017

Twin Sizzler Race Report

The Medina Twin Sizzler has been around for over 40 years. That's quite a legacy. I've done quite a few, and I've nearly always done both the 5K and the 10K. I typically exceed my expectations during the 5K, and deceed them for the 10K. I know. You're wondering about the word, deceed.  I got this from the wonderful world wide web:  'There is no established opposite to the word exceed, and it's quite often suggested that there's a gap in the language that needs to be filled! Some people have come up with deceed as a possible candidate, but there is as yet no real evidence of its use.' I saw subceed suggested as well.

This day, I had no expectations at all, so it wouldn't have been possible to exceed, deceed or subceed them. It wasn't too terribly hot, but my olde legs were still mighty tired from MP6.I ran the 5K in an 8:30 pace, and I ran the first half of the 10K at a 9:30 pace. About half-way, I decided to try to pick it back up. I did (!) and ran the second 5K of the 10K in about the same time as the 5K itself. That felt good. 

Too bad the rest of it didn't. Oh, I suppose it's okay. I made it. Live to run another day. If you can call it that.


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