Thursday, August 04, 2022

Consistency and Comfort

The 60-plus mile weeks are coming fast and furious, and now, so are the long runs and interval workouts. And yet, I'm still in a kind of comfort zone of my own making. Consistency is essential, and comfort is nice. But improvement requires at least some amount of dis-comfort. To that end, I am:

1) Running a couple half-marathons, including one this Sunday. This will require a slight disruption to my weekly mileage and rest-day routines.

2) Working even a little harder on the speedwork. This week's 800s were my best yet. Since the surgery, of course.

3) Running on trails occasionally. Often, this is on the trails in the field behind our subdivision. Other times on nicer, easier trails like LRT.

4) Picking berries. I did this today whilst trail running behind our sub. The slow pace was comfortable, but stopping to pick amidst prickers, poison ivy, bugs, and more bugs was not.

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