Monday, August 22, 2022

The best deadly sin of all

Sloth: the avoidance of work. I like it. Okay, maybe lust would nudge it out from the top of the list of Seven Deadly Sins. Oh, alright; gluttony ain't bad either. But the rest aren't nearly as much fun.

I engaged in some sloth by not running yesterday. It was my first day off in several weeks, but I think I earned it. I earned it by running 71 miles in a week for the first time in forever, and by running 21 miles the previous day.

Said day off enabled me to wake up energetic and ready for a good run today. I burst out the door, and although my run started off fast, I increased the pace as the run went on, and I finished strong.

Nothing - not one word - in the above paragraph is even remotely true. At least I did make it out the door, I'm hoping tomorrow's run will be less slothy.

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