Thursday, June 18, 2020

Day 49: My Virtual Finish, or Hello NC

Today's virtual run brought me across the virtual finish line into virtual North Carolina from the eastern border of virtual Tennessee. I didn't see an actual line, but I'll take the virtual version of one.

I knew I needed eleven miles to get me there, and I managed to get them in for this run, slow and steady as it was. Afterward, I walked a couple more with Debbie.

I'm pretty proud to have accomplished this 1000K feat. I'll be even more proud when I get back across again, to make it 2000K. I'm also humbled by the fact that so many RATs have already managed to complete those first 1000K. I wasn't even close to the front of the pack. I'm in the company of greatness. GVRAT has been a blast. I think it will continue to be one.

Now that I'm done with the RAT, bring on the BAT.

Here I'm at Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge on a walk, later in the day. Notice the GVRAT shirt that I'm wearing for the first time.

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