Sunday, June 11, 2023

What you're bad at --- and Hornet Dash Race Report

Find what you're you're really bad at; the thing you hate to do because you're so bad at it. That is what you need to do more of.

For me, there are plenty of things that qualify. But one of them, arguably near the top of the list, is the 5K race distance. I have never, ever, even once, run a 5K where I felt that I ran to my potential, or even what I'd call halfway decent. So naturally, I am fully aware that I need to more of them, Lots more.

The Hornet Dash is a good place to get started. It's a fun local race put on by my friend, Theresa Wright with help from my other friend, Julie Boggs. Both ladies had their families join the fun, and that made it all that much better. I also talked with Renee Harden and other friends before and after the race.

The race is a little cross-country, some parking lots, woods, loops around soccer fields, and a track stadium start and finish. I thought it was all fairly fine, interesting, and unique. But I can't say I ran well. Not so well at all.

25:27. First in my ancient age group, and no, I wasn't the only competitor.

Now, of course, I need to do more 5Ks.

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