Thursday, July 16, 2020

Day 77: 1,000 Miles

Yesterday's question was, 'why run?' Today, I got my answer. The rising sun was behind some clouds, causing a bright silver lining and rays of pink and orange splaying out in all directions. The pinky-orangeness spread all over the sky, and a rainbow appeared toward the southwest. That is why I run.

Besides today's colorful sunrise, it was a pretty good run. Until it wasn't. Although I had started okay, and then even managed a decent pace for part of the run, the general soreness and fatigue caught up with me, and it caused me to slow down. Beginning around mile nine, I slowed a little at first, and then a lot over the final three of the fourteen miles. I guess you ould call it a mediocre run at best. And speaking of mediocre, I spotted a sign at an insurance agency that I read as. 'Mediocre Agent Available.' I actually ran back to read it again, only to learn that it was 'Medicare', not 'Mediocre'.

Today's Notable Achievement: Drum roll, please. Wait for it. Okay, here it is: Unofficially, I've run 999.4 miles since GVRAT began 77 days ago. Debbie and I are about to walk a couple more, so that will take me over a thousand, for sure. I say unofficial because today's running won't be recorded in GVRAT until tomorrow. I'm fairly certain that I've never run 1,000 miles in so short a timespan before. I've still got two-hundred some to go before getting back across Tennessee.

Running and walking for GVRAT through 7/16/2020, but not including today's walk

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