Thursday, July 23, 2020

Day 84: A Quick Word About Pace

I don't usually talk specifics about pace. That's because, on the one hand, I'm aware that no matter how slow I go, some people are slower. Thus, I shouldn't lament too much about my own slowness. On the other hand, I truly am slow compared to many friends, and also compared to my past old self. I find it best to just discuss my slowness in general terms, keeping specifics out of the conversation. Permit me to break with that self-imposed minor restriction for a moment. At least for today's run.

I'm struggling to maintain a ten-thirtyish per mile pace. My time at four miles is between 42 and 43 minutes. It would be really nice to finish this ten-mile run under 1:40, or under ten-minute pace. Ten-minute pace used to be much easier, and I used to complete the majority of my runs that fast. Those days aren't even all that long ago.

Things were going better for a while earlier this year. But then GVRAT, with its higher mileage and streaking, happened. I'm now including walking miles, but even considering running only, I've been pretty darn slow. Now, I can do some runs with an overall pace under ten, but they're rarer and rarer.

I do a sub-ten minute mile. Then another and another. And so on, until mile nine. Now I determine that I've got to run faster than 8:30 for my final mile in order to beat 1:40. It's downhill, but I've still got to haul a$$.

And somehow, I do. Negative splits are always good, and it's always good to finish with a blistering pace.

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