Thursday, May 14, 2020

Day 14: Marathon Training

Today it was: to the track and back. It was a dry run for the MCRR Virtual Medina Marathon and COVID 19-Miler. It's my own thing, so I do actually have to run it. There are all sorts of distance options, from 5K up to a 19-miler and a marathon. Naturally, I'll be going for a marathon. We have two weeks to run the virtual race, beginning this Sunday. Here's my own plan: a) do it (the marathon) first thing Sunday (weather permitting), b) perhaps do what I did today - run over to the track and around and around, then back, c) try not to let any of this hinder my GVRAT distance goal.

Couple other things:

1) Today's trial run went fairly well. I managed eleven miles (five at the track), and it wasn't bad. I've done this sort of thing before, by the way. But based on today's run, I've resolved a way to do it. Part of that is to stay in lane 8 and switch directions every two miles or so.

2) As some may have noticed, my mileage is up there, so that ought to bode well. What may not bode so well is that my long runs have only been in the 18 to 19 mile range. 26 is a lot more.

3) For the sake of GVRAT, I have to not taper too very much, and I have to pick it right back up in the following days. Quite a challenge.

But of course it's a challenge. That's why I'm here.

General Info about The Great Virtual Race Across Tennessee 1000K
Info about my own participation in GVRAT

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