Friday, May 08, 2020

Day 8: Scene and Herd (more nonsense)

Touch: Very light rain. Intermittent left foot pain (which has now returned). Cold left hand late in the run.

Taste: A granola bar before. Vanilla gels (not the greatest) and water during. An apple after.

Smell: Lots of geosmin smell from recently plowed farmland. (Geosmin is an organic compound released by a group of soil microorganisms called actinomycetes.) One spot where there was a slight skunk odor. A slight scent from some blossoms. I won't mention the porta-john.

Sound: Distant trains (lots). My footsteps (lots). Singing birds, including the one described below.

Sight: Deer eyes, reflecting my headlamp in the dark. A few other people and animals. Notably, a super-beautifully-bright orange Baltimore Oriole that was also singing its pretty head off.

At mile ten, I stopped to (unsuccessfully) attempt to get a stone out of my shoe. I was getting tired, but this is the point where things began to get better for me during last week's long run here on the Lester Rail Trail. That run began poorly, but ended well. This run began okay, but it was starting to look like it would end poorly.

It did. The miles got slower and slower after mile ten. I nearly didn't go back out after returning to the car at mile twelve. Would I even make it to eighteen?

I did. Bareyly. I shuffled along for the final six, but they were definitely not pretty. I guess the high number of miles combined with three days in a row involving something of substance took their toll.

General Info about The Great Virtual Race Across Tennessee 1000K
Info about my own participation in GVRAT

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