Saturday, May 25, 2024

2024 Medina Half Marathon Race Report

The whole gang of Medina peeps puts on a great show each year for the Medina Half Marathon. This is the tenth annual edition.

It was wonderful to see all of my friends out here. Unfortunately, Shannon Barnes and Chadwick Sunday got away from me after the first few miles. At some point early on, I heard them talking and I mentioned that if they can carry on a conversation, they weren't trying hard enough. In my case, I started too fast, but I soon settled down and managed to run at a fairly steady pace after that.

In the later miles, I slowly caught up with Chadwick as he stopped to talk with some of our other buddies at an aid station, and then again to give a high-paw to Ella, who was spectating. As I pulled alongside, I said let's finish together. He enthusiastically agreed, and then proceeded to zoom up ahead during the final downhill mile. It was all tons of fun.

I crossed the finish line in 1:54, which is better than expected, especially considering last week's marathon. Alas. some other old guy beat me for first in the age group. 

You can't win them all. In fact, very few.

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