Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Recover, Train, Taper. All in Six Days.

I can still feel Cleveland in my bones. And not in a good way.

Monday was off. I know. It's a drastic step.

Tuesday Track? Not so fast. (I actually did pick it up a little. Only a little.)

Wednesday's ten-mile morning run was just seven. Will I run again tonight? Well, will I?

Thursday will probably be off. Or perhaps just a little.

Friday will probably be off. Or perhaps just a little.

Saturday is the day: The Medina Half-Marathon. I know it won't be one of my best, but perhaps I can keep it from being one of my worst. If I could do something like last year, I'd be very pleased. I think I did something like 1:57 a week after Cleveland. Right now, I aren't there. But the week ain't over yet.

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