I may have spoken a little too soon when I bragged about running two whole miles on September 21. The next day I was yelled at by my doctor. He said I really did need the nine months recovery that he originally prescribed. To illustrate his point, he had me try to do a one-legged toe raise. I couldn't.
So it's back to swimming and walking and weights. Except for the swimming and weights. I would be doing those (as I had been - up until my trip to Ecuador) except for my shoulder injury. What happened to my shoulder, you ask? I wish I knew. I think it may have something to do with yanking luggage off the airport conveyer belt.
It really hurts, especially when I sleep, and I can't even raise my arm up. (My dad's old Vaudeville joke - Guy: 'Doc, it hurts when I raise my arm up like this.' Doc: 'Then don't do that.') But the good news is that it seems to be slowly getting a little better.
So that's where I stand. or, should I say, sit.