Only here in Dan-Land would this happen: a swimming injury. Can you believe it?
Been cross-training, mostly swimming and some weights. Almost no running since NC24. Trying hard to heal this heel. And it may be working; I'm feeling better. Of coiurse I'm sure re-injury is just a long or a hard run away, however. I'll try not to. I'm really working hard to be smart about this for a change.
But injured from swimming? It should be impossible to hurt myself swimming, right? Only an idiot... okay, I'll stop. I won't even finish that thought...
Don't worry, it's not serious - just a stiff neck. It's exacerbated when I do turn my head to breathe in the water, but I'll live.
Friday, September 30, 2016
Saturday, September 24, 2016
Issues (No Running Content)
This is a recent Facebook post. I don't generally get political there, or here, but the environment is important to me. I may take this stuff seriously enough to begin a separate blog - something like don'tpoopinthepool. If that happens, this will be the first post, and I'll remove it from this mostly running related blog. But for now....
Which issue do you think is the most important one facing
our country? The collective answer will surely help to decide the presidential
election. Many would probably say the economy and jobs, or terrorism and
safety. Race relations, gun control, health care and abortion would certainly be
on the list as well. Although these and other problems are certainly important to
all of us, in my mind, the single most important issue facing our nation, as
well as the entire world, is the environment.
If we don’t take steps to care for the planet we live on,
how can we possibly take care of one another? On the other hand, if we do look
after Planet Earth; if we do clean up our act, we will surely then look after
the people on it as well. By putting Planet Earth first, our lives, and those
of our children and grandchildren, will undoubtedly reap great rewards. It’s
that simple, and it explains why I see all other issues as pale in comparison.
Environmental matters include concerns over the oceans,
overall water and air pollution, but especially climate change. The related science
is backed up by systematic study after study, with conclusions that are indisputable.
News of the environment is nearly always bad. Most notably,
climate change has resulted in unprecedented global temperatures for every
single month since last autumn. The warming of the Pacific Ocean has been a
partial cause, but this El Nino year is far worse than any other in human
Most importantly, there is something we can do about it. We can
reduce, re-use and recycle. We can turn our thermostats down in the winter and
up in the summer. We can drive less and walk more. Mostly, use common sense in
order to have a smaller footprint. Helpful though they are though, these are
small things. There is a much more effective way to influence the environment
in a truly positive way, and it doesn’t hurt a bit: Vote for the right people,
especially in the Presidential race.
One candidate is on the record as saying, "Well, I
think the climate change is just a very, very expensive form of tax. A lot of
people are making a lot of money. I know much about climate change. I'd be —
received environmental awards. And I often joke that this is done for the
benefit of China. Obviously, I joke. But this is done for the benefit of China,
because China does not do anything to help climate change. They burn everything
you could burn; they couldn't care less. They have very — you know, their
standards are nothing. But they — in the meantime, they can undercut us on
price. So it's very hard on our business." Another time, this person used
the term, “hoax” in relation to global warming three times in one sentence: "Obama's
talking about all of this with the global warming and … a lot of it's a hoax.
It's a hoax. I mean, it's a money-making industry, okay? It's a hoax, a lot of
Although this person’s personality, mannerisms and speech
are abhorrent to some, other people feel that he, and the party that he
represents, is right to deny climate change and science in general. If climate
change is a hoax, then surely all of science should also be in question, and we
may as well exploit, squander and pollute Earth’s resources to our collective hearts’
The other political party does not have an unblemished
record in regards to environmental matters. They’ve made blunders, bowed to
political pressure in some cases, and most importantly, dragged their feet on
much needed environmental legislation. But at least they acknowledge that the
science is legitimate.
And they do try. Our president angered many when he issued executiveorders to bypass Congress in order to meet agreements he made with the Paris
climate accord and with China’s President. I feel that if there was ever a justifiable
need to bypass non-existent congressional approval, this was it. It was right
to give us a fighting chance, a baby step, in fighting climate change. This party’s 2016 candidate also acknowledges
science. I am confident that she will continue the course of caring for the
I understand that there is nothing I can say here to change
anyone’s mind that’s already made up. But for those who haven’t decided, for
those who may not bother to vote, please consider: the choice is stark. One
candidate believes in science and will most likely at least try to care for the
environment, and therefore our heritage. The other will deny science and exploit
earth’s resources for extremely short term gain for a few, and long term
disaster for all.
Sunday, September 18, 2016
This is it. No more discussion about what a great event we inaugurated and put on every year. Enough talk about how I got to this point. Now I am here with about 200 of my best friends, about to start running the 2016 NorthCoast 24-Hour Endurance Run, also known as NC24.
They truly are among my best friends. I see many of them only one long day a year: this event. Others are more frequently familiar because they live closer by. Regardless of proximity, I love them all dearly. I've said this before and I'll say it again now: ultrarunners are the best people, period. Too bad we are not in charge of the planet. It would be a better place.
The horn sounds, and I begin running in the morning rain with Frank Dwyer, Ladd Clifford and Phil Apel. They have high hopes of big numbers, and they're smart enough to be patient about it. Me, not so much. I only want to go as far as I can before the Achilles Tendonitis (AT) Pain begins to take hold. I know from experience that once it does start, it only gets worse as time, and miles, go by. This pain point usually commences between an hour and an hour and a half (6-10 miles) into a run. If today's run is to follow such a pattern, I may not get very far at all. I figure that even under the very best of circumstances, 50 kilometers will be today's upper limit. Regardless of how I manage today, my plan is to then go home, get some food and rest, and then return in the morning to possibly walk a few more 0.90075 mile laps. Those will be tough no matter what.
The rain stops, and it gets warm and very humid. Although the humidity will be tough for everyone, I'm not too worried. I will be leaving at some point, so it will affect me less than the others. Speaking of others, I continue to talk with many old and new friends along the way. Sometimes this requires me to slow down or speed up a bit. But that's okay. I'm feeling fine.
It's great to see this event coming together under the new leadership of Brian Polen. From my perspective - now that of a runner/participant - everything is just fine. I talk with Brian now and then. I also talk with Michelle Wolff, who's manning the aid station. As with all ultras, the organization team and especially the volunteers are wonderful.
The AT pain begins at about mile 20. At least that's where I first notice it. This is really great. It's the most consecutive pain-free miles I've managed in months. But now I have to slow down and accept that it's going to get worse, mile by mile.
And of course it does. It also doesn't help that I'm woefully under-trained. That's due to the AT as well.
I had been running at a decent pace. Although the AT doesn't allow me to run very fast, it doesn't appear to help when I run super-slow or walk either. Most of my miles have been in the 9:30 to 10:00 minute per mile range - about what I train at. But now that I'm slowing down, everything is getting tougher. The marathon distance is achieved at about 4:27, and then I slow down even more. Michelle runs a lap with me as she's finishing her shift. She mentions that I look very much like I'm in pain. Others, like Blondie Hinton, say the same thing. I guess it hurts just to look at me. Funny how that works.
Now that I've only got a couple to go before my wild 50K dream is achieved, I stop to ask the medical folks for an ibuprofen tablet. I know they don't like to dispense them because they're somewhat dangerous for ultrarunners, but they do give me just the one.
And that does get me through it. I'd begun to walk, but now I can run, albeit slowly, my last one or two laps. I get to 50K at about 5:45 or so. It's hard to say exactly because I run an extra half-mile to finish the entire lap. I am absolutely euphoric about getting this far.
I go into the medical tent, and they stretch me out and we discuss my AT. heading to the car, the pain is still there, but things are definitely better than they would have been had I not stopped.
I drive home, shower, then along with Debbie, travel to the Winking Lizard to meet some friends for dinner. They have a special clam bake dinner for a couple weekends, and boy is it (and the beer) good! Maybe food tastes better after you've run, and eaten only junk all day. Afterwards we convene at our place a while longer. We laugh about how I am in the middle of a run.
Sleep does not go well. It always surprises me that I don't sleep like a log after a hard running effort; quite the opposite. I'm not sure why; it seems to defy logic. I wake up between 1:30 and 2:00, and that's it; I'm up for good. After some coffee and other preparation, I'm on my way back to Edgewater.
At 3:30 AM, I'm back to running around in circles. I go extremely slow at first, but then a funny thing happens. I begin to feel better, and I pick up the pace. The second (or third?) ibuprofen in the last 24 hours probably helps as well; I'm not in too very much pain.
My stomach doesn't feel so great, however. Maybe it was all that food. Or beer. Or the pizza, toasted cheese, and other junk that I sample here. Most likely, it was the ibu. Although three or so in this extended length of time really isn't all that awful, I virtually never take this much. And as mentioned, it's best to do none at all.
I continue to talk with friends that I see. There aren't so many out during these wee hours, and some are like zombies. But others are happy to talk. I also see Brian, and he is highly positive, encouraging me and everyone else to keep going. As these new miles begin to take their terrible toll, I begin to think about what the heck I'm trying to accomplish here. Maybe I can get up to about 20 miles for this day, giving me a grand total of 50+ for the event. I've got plenty of time.
Although the AT pain continues to be manageable, everything else is beginning to hurt, and I'm starting to feel just plain exhausted. After 10 or 11 miles I take some breaks, and also begin walking. This is just as others are waking up and getting going. It's just starting to get light.
The humidity never ceased. In fact, it's probably worse now than ever. I'm having some chafing issues, but I'll spare the details.
After running with some more friends along the way, I make it to 50, and even a mile or two more. It took me about as long to do this 20 as it did to do 31 yesterday. I quit just a little before the final horn. I've now greatly exceeded all my mileage goals. I should be extremely happy at this point, but mostly I'm just tired.
I am in awe of some of these other folks, elites and local friends alike. How in the world can they do two and three times the miles that I did? My 52 nearly killed me.
And now it's time for a break. A long one.
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Early on Pat Dooley photo |
They truly are among my best friends. I see many of them only one long day a year: this event. Others are more frequently familiar because they live closer by. Regardless of proximity, I love them all dearly. I've said this before and I'll say it again now: ultrarunners are the best people, period. Too bad we are not in charge of the planet. It would be a better place.
The horn sounds, and I begin running in the morning rain with Frank Dwyer, Ladd Clifford and Phil Apel. They have high hopes of big numbers, and they're smart enough to be patient about it. Me, not so much. I only want to go as far as I can before the Achilles Tendonitis (AT) Pain begins to take hold. I know from experience that once it does start, it only gets worse as time, and miles, go by. This pain point usually commences between an hour and an hour and a half (6-10 miles) into a run. If today's run is to follow such a pattern, I may not get very far at all. I figure that even under the very best of circumstances, 50 kilometers will be today's upper limit. Regardless of how I manage today, my plan is to then go home, get some food and rest, and then return in the morning to possibly walk a few more 0.90075 mile laps. Those will be tough no matter what.
The rain stops, and it gets warm and very humid. Although the humidity will be tough for everyone, I'm not too worried. I will be leaving at some point, so it will affect me less than the others. Speaking of others, I continue to talk with many old and new friends along the way. Sometimes this requires me to slow down or speed up a bit. But that's okay. I'm feeling fine.
It's great to see this event coming together under the new leadership of Brian Polen. From my perspective - now that of a runner/participant - everything is just fine. I talk with Brian now and then. I also talk with Michelle Wolff, who's manning the aid station. As with all ultras, the organization team and especially the volunteers are wonderful.
The AT pain begins at about mile 20. At least that's where I first notice it. This is really great. It's the most consecutive pain-free miles I've managed in months. But now I have to slow down and accept that it's going to get worse, mile by mile.
And of course it does. It also doesn't help that I'm woefully under-trained. That's due to the AT as well.
I had been running at a decent pace. Although the AT doesn't allow me to run very fast, it doesn't appear to help when I run super-slow or walk either. Most of my miles have been in the 9:30 to 10:00 minute per mile range - about what I train at. But now that I'm slowing down, everything is getting tougher. The marathon distance is achieved at about 4:27, and then I slow down even more. Michelle runs a lap with me as she's finishing her shift. She mentions that I look very much like I'm in pain. Others, like Blondie Hinton, say the same thing. I guess it hurts just to look at me. Funny how that works.
Now that I've only got a couple to go before my wild 50K dream is achieved, I stop to ask the medical folks for an ibuprofen tablet. I know they don't like to dispense them because they're somewhat dangerous for ultrarunners, but they do give me just the one.
And that does get me through it. I'd begun to walk, but now I can run, albeit slowly, my last one or two laps. I get to 50K at about 5:45 or so. It's hard to say exactly because I run an extra half-mile to finish the entire lap. I am absolutely euphoric about getting this far.
I go into the medical tent, and they stretch me out and we discuss my AT. heading to the car, the pain is still there, but things are definitely better than they would have been had I not stopped.
I drive home, shower, then along with Debbie, travel to the Winking Lizard to meet some friends for dinner. They have a special clam bake dinner for a couple weekends, and boy is it (and the beer) good! Maybe food tastes better after you've run, and eaten only junk all day. Afterwards we convene at our place a while longer. We laugh about how I am in the middle of a run.
Sleep does not go well. It always surprises me that I don't sleep like a log after a hard running effort; quite the opposite. I'm not sure why; it seems to defy logic. I wake up between 1:30 and 2:00, and that's it; I'm up for good. After some coffee and other preparation, I'm on my way back to Edgewater.
At 3:30 AM, I'm back to running around in circles. I go extremely slow at first, but then a funny thing happens. I begin to feel better, and I pick up the pace. The second (or third?) ibuprofen in the last 24 hours probably helps as well; I'm not in too very much pain.
My stomach doesn't feel so great, however. Maybe it was all that food. Or beer. Or the pizza, toasted cheese, and other junk that I sample here. Most likely, it was the ibu. Although three or so in this extended length of time really isn't all that awful, I virtually never take this much. And as mentioned, it's best to do none at all.
I continue to talk with friends that I see. There aren't so many out during these wee hours, and some are like zombies. But others are happy to talk. I also see Brian, and he is highly positive, encouraging me and everyone else to keep going. As these new miles begin to take their terrible toll, I begin to think about what the heck I'm trying to accomplish here. Maybe I can get up to about 20 miles for this day, giving me a grand total of 50+ for the event. I've got plenty of time.
Although the AT pain continues to be manageable, everything else is beginning to hurt, and I'm starting to feel just plain exhausted. After 10 or 11 miles I take some breaks, and also begin walking. This is just as others are waking up and getting going. It's just starting to get light.
The humidity never ceased. In fact, it's probably worse now than ever. I'm having some chafing issues, but I'll spare the details.
After running with some more friends along the way, I make it to 50, and even a mile or two more. It took me about as long to do this 20 as it did to do 31 yesterday. I quit just a little before the final horn. I've now greatly exceeded all my mileage goals. I should be extremely happy at this point, but mostly I'm just tired.
I am in awe of some of these other folks, elites and local friends alike. How in the world can they do two and three times the miles that I did? My 52 nearly killed me.
And now it's time for a break. A long one.
Thursday, September 15, 2016
The Courage to Start
There is a book and a website called, The Courage to Start, by John "The Penguin" Bingham. A tag line is,
"The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start." Bingham
also wrote a popular running related blog and Runners World column, both entitled, The Penguin Chronicles. Now retired, the Penguin is famous for encouraging new runners to begin and to run more. His stories celebrated his own and other new(er) runners' experiences.
I never paid a whole lot of attention. I figured that although I wasn't the fastest runner around, I certainly also wasn't the slowest. Celebrating "newbieness", much less sluggishness, was not what I was interested in. Regarding that tag line, I also wasn't impressed. I nearly always started, and finished, whatever I wanted. What did any of it have to do with courage, anyway?
Fast forward to 2016. I've been battling an Achilles injury for three years now. Although the pain has subsided at times, even allowing me to get back to running a few marathons and ultras, it has never gone away completely. And it's been at its worst for the past few months. I hobble through the training miles, but speed and distance are both very painful prospects.
After organizing the NorthCoast 24-Hour Endurance Run in 2009 because I wanted to run the thing, I will finally get that chance in a couple days. But with this constant pain, I really ought not even try to think about any long distances. At NC24, however, there's no such thing as a Did Not Finish (DNF) status. Anyone who shows up and runs at least one 0.9 mile loop can claim a finisher's medal. Even so, I have often wondered if I'd have the courage to start.
Now I think I will have that courage. And I'll even finish. It just won't be with a sizeable mileage total.
"The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start." Bingham
also wrote a popular running related blog and Runners World column, both entitled, The Penguin Chronicles. Now retired, the Penguin is famous for encouraging new runners to begin and to run more. His stories celebrated his own and other new(er) runners' experiences.
I never paid a whole lot of attention. I figured that although I wasn't the fastest runner around, I certainly also wasn't the slowest. Celebrating "newbieness", much less sluggishness, was not what I was interested in. Regarding that tag line, I also wasn't impressed. I nearly always started, and finished, whatever I wanted. What did any of it have to do with courage, anyway?
Fast forward to 2016. I've been battling an Achilles injury for three years now. Although the pain has subsided at times, even allowing me to get back to running a few marathons and ultras, it has never gone away completely. And it's been at its worst for the past few months. I hobble through the training miles, but speed and distance are both very painful prospects.
After organizing the NorthCoast 24-Hour Endurance Run in 2009 because I wanted to run the thing, I will finally get that chance in a couple days. But with this constant pain, I really ought not even try to think about any long distances. At NC24, however, there's no such thing as a Did Not Finish (DNF) status. Anyone who shows up and runs at least one 0.9 mile loop can claim a finisher's medal. Even so, I have often wondered if I'd have the courage to start.
Now I think I will have that courage. And I'll even finish. It just won't be with a sizeable mileage total.
NC24 - Thanks
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Frank Dwyer and Larry Orwin presenting the award to me |
A year ago, prior to the NorthCoast 24-Hour Endurance Run start, I was presented with this award telling (accusing?) me that I was the 'Best Race Director Ever'. I was duly impressed and flattered. I said thanks and everything, but there was no time to reflect or linger; it was time to get the race started. Beginning this year, I've managed to pass the RD duties and overall race organization on. I wish Brian Polen and his new team all the best for this and future years. I have every confidence that they will do well.
- Shannon Fisher put on the most and the best food ever available at any race ever conceived. Because of her and her team, NC24 was a veritable smorgasbord... that also had a race.
- Scott Stuetzer arranged for awards and did almost all the back-breaking labor for set-up and take-down.
- Roy Heger rented the truck (and even put up with some damage to it one year), the power generation, and some of the awards. Roy also drove the truck, even when sleep-deprived after running the race every year.
- Frank Dwyer, our financial wizard and registration guru, was a right-hand man to just about everything. When I say I couldn't manage NC24 without these guys, I'm thinking mostly of Frank. He also ran the race every single year.
- Jan Roe helped Shannon with the food, check-in and the volunteer coordination. She would have also won the nicest person of the bunch award, had there been one.
- Charles Elkins purchased and developed our timing system after there had been problems in previous years. He did this entirely on his own, and the new system is the best in the business. Charles also arranged for drinking water (no small task), porta-potties and dumpsters.
- Felicia Fago helped with the food and the volunteer coordination.
- Crystal Friend also helped with the food and the volunteer coordination.
- Barb Clutter was abandoned as the only volunteer at the aid station in the middle of the night one year. After that she became the lead volunteer coordinator and we never had another problem.
- Larry Orwin arranged the dinner for out of town guests.
- Debbie Horvath coordinated the post-run breakfasts, corralling a Boy Scout Troop for this in recent years. She also put up with the RD for 364 days a year.
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Only in Chicago
Only in Chicago can you go out of your hotel, located on Higgins Road, near O'Hare Airport at 5:30 on a Sunday morning, and be met with traffic galore; cars were speeding by as if it were the Indy 500. My sleep-deprived and slightly under-caffeinated brain was having a great deal of difficulty comprehending the situation as I began my run by trying to get across the street without becoming roadkill.
Slowly, it 'dawned' on me (yes, it was early, so this pun is intended) that there must be some kind of problem on adjacent Interstate 90, causing all these cars to be re-routed here onto Higgins. I ran along the road, facing all this zooming traffic, until I could see for myself what was wrong.
I90 had been reduced to one lane, and traffic was very much backed up trying to merge together for what appeared to be miles. A great many of those cars were exiting right in front of me. Mystery solved. Except for two related, but minor questions that would linger, probably forever: why the lane closures (construction?) and why was there so much traffic on a Sunday morning anyway?
Curiosity satiated, I could get more serious about my run. Too bad I was already 'running' out of time; I had to get back for breakfast and getting packed to go. I would wind up with only four sluggish miles this day.
I'd run out of time the previous day as well. But that day I'd at least managed 11.5 miles, close to my distance goal. And I was able to explore some parks and school grounds.
We were in town along with Veronica and Barry and the kids, to visit Valerie and to see the sights. And oh, the sights we saw. It was a good weekend. Except for the running part.
Slowly, it 'dawned' on me (yes, it was early, so this pun is intended) that there must be some kind of problem on adjacent Interstate 90, causing all these cars to be re-routed here onto Higgins. I ran along the road, facing all this zooming traffic, until I could see for myself what was wrong.
I90 had been reduced to one lane, and traffic was very much backed up trying to merge together for what appeared to be miles. A great many of those cars were exiting right in front of me. Mystery solved. Except for two related, but minor questions that would linger, probably forever: why the lane closures (construction?) and why was there so much traffic on a Sunday morning anyway?
Curiosity satiated, I could get more serious about my run. Too bad I was already 'running' out of time; I had to get back for breakfast and getting packed to go. I would wind up with only four sluggish miles this day.
I'd run out of time the previous day as well. But that day I'd at least managed 11.5 miles, close to my distance goal. And I was able to explore some parks and school grounds.
We were in town along with Veronica and Barry and the kids, to visit Valerie and to see the sights. And oh, the sights we saw. It was a good weekend. Except for the running part.
Monday, September 05, 2016
TM Speech: Born to Run (Yes, there's some running content)
Dearest Readers,
I have recently given some speeches in connection with my
Toastmasters International membership. Some are related to running, and some
are not. When possible, I will publish the speeches. This is one of them.
Born to Run
I sat straight up in bed, laughing uncontrollably. My wife was startled, and asked what the heck was going on. This was unusual behavior for me. I had been reading “Born to Run” by Christopher McDougall, and I’d come to the part about the scientists trying to chase down an antelope in order to prove a theory. The theory was that humans had evolved to run by chasing down prey. The scientists were also runners, and that certainly helped, but the experiment didn’t work; the antelopes being singled out and separated for hunting kept circling back to the herd in order to become lost in the crowd. I found this so amusing because the dumb animals kept outsmarting those brainy humans.
I want to tell you some more about this theory, about some of my own running experiences, and most importantly, why I want you to run.
The book became a best seller when it was published in 2009. There are several themes and stories, including a case for the use of minimalist running shoes, background about the Tarahumara tribe of runners in Mexico’s Copper Canyon, and quirky American untrarunners. The story culminates with a secret race between the top American ultramarathoners and the best Tarahumara runners.
I want to focus on the theory put forth about human beings evolving to run in order to chase down their meals. Persistence hunting theories abound. They postulate that early humans, who have so few natural predation features – no protective fur, no claws, no sharp teeth – began to use our superior endurance to run an animal to exhaustion.
Nearly every animal anywhere near our size can run faster than we can. No creature – not even a horse, can run as long as we can. We have big butts, forward facing eyes, heads that remain steady on our shoulders and a cardiovascular and respiratory system second to none. We’re built to run long distances. And we truly are capable of running an animal down until it drops. Our scientists were not overly deterred by their initial failure. They were eventually able to discover a primitive tribe in Africa’s Kalahari Desert that continues to hunt this way.
Not all anthropologists agree with the theory, but none can dispute the fact that our physical characteristics do make us efficient long distance runners.
We are all runners. Some of us do it daily, some not so much anymore. Nearly all of us did it when we were kids. Here are some reasons why I think I was born to run.
I eat like a horse. People that know me say, he’ll run it off. They’re partially correct about that. They also say that that’s the reason I run – so I can eat. But they’re wrong about that.
My BP is 105 over 60. My resting heart rate is in the 50s. My cholesterol numbers are good, especially the good cholesterol which is excellent. My blood glucose levels are also fine. The health benefits of running are huge, and they’re well proven. But that’s not why I run.
I am able to claim some pretty good accomplishments – running 100 miles, completing over 100 marathons, qualifying for and running Boston 10 times. But as proud I am of these things, and as much as I like to brag, that’s not why I run.
Why do I run, you wonder? I’m glad you asked!
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Challenge |
I’m competitive by nature – mostly with myself. I like to constantly challenge myself with new and difficult goals. Sometimes things work out, sometimes they don’t. I also enjoy competing with others (sometimes by age group), but I recognize that I can only control (to a point) what I can do, not what others can do. And I prefer to remain friends with those I race against, as much as I also want to beat them. Regardless of any accomplishments I may be able to claim later, one of the reasons I run is the challenge – to defy what others may consider limits. I run to push boundaries.
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Camraderie |
These competitors, and others that I simply like to meet and run with, have managed to become some of my best friends. In fact, family notwithstanding, runners are some of the best people I know. I run for friendship and camaraderie.
I’ve been very fortunate to have been able to run in wonderful locations all over the world. I’ve run in dozens of States, I’ve run on every inhabited continent, and I’ve run in hundreds of places in between. Some of the locations have been incredibly scenic, others merely serene. When I ruminate on this, it’s the quiet serenity that I appreciate most. I run for serenity.
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Serenity |
I’ve told you about myself. I’ve managed these accomplishments, made many lifetime, lasting friends, and enjoyed the experience of running in all these wonderful places. Yes, I’ve been fortunate, but yet I’m about as ordinary as you can get. I could go on about how average and commonplace I am, but I’ll spare you. I mention this, because you may think that you could never do some of these types of things. But you can!
You were born to run. If I can inspire even one of you who haven’t been getting out to get outside and do it, or possibly get one of you who does run to get out more and enjoy it more, I’ll consider this speech an enormous success.
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You can do this! |
There are many ways to get started.
Try an app, like couch to 5k. These work for a lot of people.
Join a club, or otherwise meet up with like-minded folks. Nothing is as effective in getting yourself out the door than having to meet someone at a specified time and place.
Sometimes we can lose our focus and motivation. Don’t overthink it. Just pick a direction – hopefully a safe, and maybe a scenic one – and go!
Once you do begin, you can start to challenge yourself. Set personal goals – one at a time if necessary. It’s like sex. The more you do it, the better you get. And the better you get, the more you enjoy it. By all means, be patient; you’ve got your whole life to do this, and again, like sex, it’s best not to rush it.
There is no goal is too lofty. You can accomplish anything you set your mind to, and I’m living proof. After all, you were born to run.
TM Speech: The Glass is Half Full - The Power of Positive Thinking (You Guessed it: No Running Content)
Dearest Readers,
I have recently given some speeches in connection with my Toastmasters International membership. Some are related to running, and some are not. When possible, I will publish the speeches. This is one of them.
I have recently given some speeches in connection with my Toastmasters International membership. Some are related to running, and some are not. When possible, I will publish the speeches. This is one of them.
The Glass is Half Full - The Power of Positive Thinking
Always Look on the Bright Side of Life
Singing: “Always Look on the Bright Side of Life….” That is from a Monty Python Movie called, The Life of Brian. Jesus and several other men are being crucified, and one guy, who is dying on the cross, begins singing that happy song. Soon the others join in, and everyone is smiling and thoroughly happy. It’s a preposterous scene, even for Monty Python.
But ludicrous though it is, it demonstrates an important aspect of human nature: the power of positive thinking. Those guys are going to die, but they seemingly couldn’t be happier.
In the words of author/minister Norman Vincent Peale, “The way to happiness is to keep your heart free from hate, your mind from worry. Live simply, expect little, give much. Scatter sunshine, forget self, think of others.” Positive thought makes positive people, and positive people accomplish great things. Not the least of which is personal happiness and fulfillment.
Optimism comes from the Latin word optimus, meaning "best," which describes how an optimistic person is always looking for the best in any situation and expecting good things to happen. Optimism is the tendency to believe, expect or hope that things will turn out well. Even if something bad happens, an optimist sees the silver lining.
The emerging field of positive psychology studies the positive impact that optimism has on mental health. Other research shows that optimism may be good for physical health too—optimists are sick less and live longer than pessimists. Apparently, a positive outlook on life strengthens the immune system (and the body's defenses against illness), cardiovascular system, and the body's ability to handle stress.
Fake it Until You Make it
Can You Boost Your Bright Side?
Although a positive personality is something we’re often born with, there are steps you can take to improve your outlook and reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease.
Simply smile more.
A University of Kansas study found that smiling—even fake smiling—reduces heart rate and blood pressure during stressful situations. So try a few minutes of YouTube humor therapy when you’re stomping your feet waiting in line or fuming over a work or family situation. It’s difficult not to smile while watching a favorite funny video.
Practice reframing.
Instead of stressing about a traffic jam, for instance, appreciate the fact that you can afford a car and get to spend a few extra minutes listening to music or the news, accepting that there is absolutely nothing you can do about the traffic.
Build resiliency.
Resiliency is the ability to adapt to stressful and/or negative situations and losses. Experts recommend these key ways to build yours:
• Maintain good relationships with family and friends.
• Accept that change is a part of life.
• Take action on problems rather than just hoping they disappear or waiting for them to resolve themselves
It’s Contagious
Both pessimism and optimism are contagious. If you associate yourself with optimistic, happy people, you’re disposition will reflect those qualities. So of course you should, when possible, spend time with positive people.
Smiling is contagious. Laughing is contagious. I mentioned the health benefits of smiling; they’re even greater for laughing. If I start laughing, most of the rest of you will as well.
TM Speech: The Art and the Joy of Movies (As the Name Implies, No Running Content)
Dearest Readers,
I have recently given some speeches in connection with my
Toastmasters International membership. Some are related to running, and some
are not. When possible, I will publish the speeches. This is one of them.
The Art and the Joy of Movies
Our Art Form
For some cultures, like 19th century Germany and Austria classical music was the predominant art form.
The ancient Greeks invented theater.
Sculpture was extremely important to the Greeks and also ancient Italy.
England and Ireland, and China can lay claim great literature.
Painting is most famously attributed to France and other parts of Western Europe
For other cultures, architecture, modern music and dance have.
What is our culture’s art form?
Western Civilization’s and specifically the United States’ art certainly include all the forms I’ve mentioned. But what will we be known for, in perpetuity? I think the answer is film.
What is a movie, and how or why can it be considered art?
A great movie can transport you to another time or place. It may be a time or place you could never get to yourself, Or it may be something as mundane as everyday life.
It can inspire or depress you. It can make you laugh or cry. It can do all or none of these things.
Movies enable us to forget about of the day-to-day drudgery of our lives for a period of time.
You can get lost in a great movie.
Most films begin as a business idea; it’s often all about profit.
Producers pull together writers, directors and actors, and they also arrange for funding.
Directors take the work of the writers, and work with the actors to create the magic we call a movie. At its best, this is the art of film.
Dan’s Ten Best
Do you have an all-time top ten movies list? When you love great movies as much as I do, it’s fun to think about your favorites.
A couple caveats:
Genre doesn’t matter much to me – I like movies of all sorts. The main question is this: is it a good story?
Does the picture do what was intended? Some have modest goals, but exceed them. Some have difficult goals, and fall short. A few are both ambitious AND also succeed in accomplishing what they set out to do.
Here’s my list, in no particular order:
Gone with the Wind
- The Wizard of Oz
2001: A Space Odyssey
- Casablanca
- American Graffiti
- Giant
- Ben-Hur
- The Godfather
- The Right Stuff
- Animal House
- Dr. Strangelove
Yeah. I know it. There's actually one more than ten there. But it's my list, and I can do what I want.
Don't Like My List?
Don't Like My List?
TM Speech: A Run Through History (Yup - check it out if Running Content is what you seek)
Dearest Readers,
A Run Through History
• Held every four years at the sanctuary of Zeus
• War and other hostilities were halted during the Games
• They were for men only. And naked ones at that. Women eventually began their own games
• Wrestling and running were the main events. To our knowledge, the main distance was 1 Stadia/Stadion – about 200 yards
• The ancient Olympics were permanently halted in 393 AD, when the emperor Theodosius I decreed that all pagan cults and practices be eliminated
• We all know about Pheidippides running from Marathon to Athens in 490 BC, don’t we?
• BUT - did you know...
• The distance was about 25 miles
• He ran 150 miles (Athens to Sparta) during the prior days
• The first marathon run for competition was in the modern Olympics (inspired by a poem)
• The marathon distance was changed to 26.2 miles in the modern Olympics in order to run by the Queen of England
• In 2010 we celebrated the 2500 year anniversary – how’s that for a tradition
• The entire Pheidippides is probably only a myth. But it sure is fun
• Baron Pierre de Coubertin founded the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in 1894
• Panathenaic Stadium was restored for the new games held in Athens
• Games began in 1896
• Events included different running distances, including a new one called the marathon, to commemorate the legend of Pheidippides
• First “Competitive” Marathon won by a Greek named Spyridon Louis
• Held Every Four Years, just like the ancient ones
• Interrupted by World Wars I and II
• Women’s track events were added in 1928
• Until 1984, Women were not allowed to run distances farther than 1500 meters
• Or third, if you count the one by Pheidippides
• Guess what? It’s Boston – 1897
• Founded by Boston Athletic Association, inspired by first Olympic Marathon
• Boston’s Long History nearly matches that of the Olympic one
• More…
• At the 1908 London Olympic Games, King Edward VII and Queen Alexandria wanted the marathon race to begin at Windsor Castle outside the city, in order for the Royal family to view the start
• This made the distance 26 miles
• Runners ran an extra 385 yards around the track as they finished in the stadium
• Boston and other marathons adjusted their distances
• Katherine Switzer entered the 1967 Boston Marathon as K. Switzer. RD Jock Semple tried to manually remove her, but her boyfriend intervened.
• These photos appeared in Boston Globe
• Bobbi Gibb had run it in 1966
• Women were officially allowed to enter Boston in 1972
• From Cleveland / Ohio State
• American track and field athlete and Olympic gold medalist
• At the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin, Germany, Owens won international fame with four gold medals
• As the most successful athlete at the games and as such has been credited with single-handedly crushing Hitler's myth of Aryan supremacy
• Became the first to run under 4 minutes in the mile – 60 years ago in 1954
• Since then as many as 1,000 runners have broken the barrier, a select few whilst still in high school
• Very few of them have been able to do it on a cinder track as Bannister did
• Sebastian Coe was the logical successor to Bannister
• F: Won Olympic Marathon in 1972
• J: Won 1st Women’s Olympic Marathon
• Boston, Chicago Winner
• Former WR holder
TM Speech: 180 Steps (Actual Running Content Included at NO CHARGE!)
Dearest Readers,
I have recently given some speeches in connection with my
Toastmasters International membership. Some are related to running, and some
are not. When possible, I will publish the speeches. This is one of them.
180 Steps
Like many others here at Progressive, I am a data person.
Let me share some data with you. I have been running more or less regularly for
over forty years. I’ve documented more than 93,000 miles. That’s getting close
to 100,000, and it’s also close to four times the circumference of the earth.
Not to mention 40% of the distance to the moon. I have written multiple
articles about running for a national magazine, published a book, written a
blog, served as a running club president and worked part-time at a running
specialty store. Included in all those miles are over 100 marathons and over 30
ultramarathons. Is that enough to
establish some credibility for this subject? And yet even with all those miles,
I still try to improve my running form.
I know that some of you are thinking, “I’m not a runner.
What do I care about running form?” But you are
a runner. Maybe you don’t run every day. Maybe it’s been a long time since you
have run. But you almost certainly did run when you were a kid. And you can and
should run now. Running is natural for us human beings – as much as walking. In
fact, running is more efficient. This is a good subject for another speech. You
can expect to hear more about this particular topic in the near future.
Others of you are thinking, “I am a runner, but what do I
need to know about running form? Isn’t it just putting one foot in front of the
other?” Now we’re getting somewhere. Paying just a little attention to your
running form can have a very positive effect. It can make you a more efficient
and effective runner. Besides improved performance, you help reduce the
possibility of sustaining an injury.
I mentioned that you ran when you were a kid. Almost
everyone runs when they’re a kid. Next time you see kids running, pay attention
to their running form. In fact, you may be able to picture it in your
imagination right now. That form is nearly perfect, isn’t it? Kids – at least
while they’re running - tend to have great posture, a light, efficient
footstrike and fast cadence. These are the elements of good running form that I
would like for you to take away from my speech today.
Everyone stand up. Your posture should be tall. You should
reach for the sky with your head. Now lean forward just a little so that your
heels are off the ground. Now pump your arms forward and back. Feels like you
want to run, right? Your arms should be at a 90-degree angle, with your
forearms facing out. But having said all that, you should be relaxed.
Especially your hands and your face. You can practice these posture suggestions
even without running.
Heel to toe is the best way to land, right? Wrong. Your foot
should land directly underneath your body, and in about the middle of your foot.
If it lands in front of you, you are over-striding. Faster runners do tend to
have a longer stride, but the ones with good form still have their feet
actually landing underneath their bodies. This ensures that you place less
stress and weight on your landing. You will land more towards your mid-foot,
rather than your heel. Less force on your feet and lower legs is always a good
Finally, your cadence, or turnover, should be around 180
steps per minute. That seems like a lot, doesn’t it? Many of us do tend to take
less. I believe I average between 160 and 170 steps. By taking more steps you
can, but you don’t have to run faster. You can run smoother and with greater
efficiency. You can actually count your steps – just count each time one foot
hits the ground for a minute of running and then double it.
Please remember these things about good running form: Posture,
footstrike and Cadence. But mostly, if you’re not running now, get out and do
TM Speech: Where is Everybody (Not Even A Tiny Bit of Running Content)
Dearest Readers,
I have recently given some speeches in connection with my
Toastmasters International membership. Some are related to running, and some
are not. When possible, I will publish the speeches. This is one of them.
Where is Everybody?
What scientific discovery will be more profound, more efficacious to our daily lives than detection of other intelligent life in the universe? Is there intelligent life elsewhere in the universe? If so, why haven’t we been able to make this discovery already? In short, where are they?
Is there intelligent life on earth?
Anyone following our presidential elections may wonder about this.
Like it or not, we are advertising our presence by our transmission of radio waves. For nearly 100 years, we’ve inadvertently transmitted our radio and tv broadcasts as an ever-growing sphere from our solar system. These waves have now reached any planets of stars as far as 90 light years away.
We have also made some conscious attempts to specifically announce our presence – we’ve made specific broadcasts, and we’ve sent messages on the Voyager spacecraft.
Is there extra-terrestrial life?
Scientists are pretty sure that life needs planets to live on, but as far as we know, there’s no life on the other planets within our solar system. What about planets circling stars other than our sun? The first exoplanet was confirmed in 1995, and since then several thousand have been discovered. Most do not appear to be able to harbor life, but a few may be of the right size and in a habitable zone.
Does life always evolve into intelligent life?
Just because a planet may be able to harbor life, does that mean that life would develop there for sure? There have been some basic experiments showing that the building blocks of life do develop spontaneously when conditions are right.
Even if life does develop and evolve, would it necessarily become technological? Dolphins and Chimpanzees have highly developed brains, but did not become technological.
What is the lifespan of technological species?
How long do we think our civilization will last? Will we destroy ourselves in a flash, as in war? Or possibly destroy our own ecosystem? How long would other technological species live?
Are we listening?
What are the chances are that the distances may be too vast for in-person visitation? What about radio waves – why can’t we detect those from other civilizations? We are trying! The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) does listen in. The best scenario would be a specific broadcast to provide a key to understanding the message, and then to say who and where they are and finally to say hello.
But Where are they?
Given the billions of stars and planets out there, why haven’t we heard from them already? Even given the vast distances, why don’t they just come over? If they prefer to stay at home, why don’t they just send a radio signal to say hi? Or, like us, say something even without intending to? Here are some possible reasons:
1) We really are alone. We’re the only intelligent species anywhere.
2) Everybody is listening and no one is talking. Maybe on purpose. (Prime directive)
3) We just haven’t found them yet! The discovery is right around the corner.
TM Speech: How NOT to Say it (No Running Content)
Dearest Readers,
I have recently given some speeches in connection with my
Toastmasters International membership. Some are related to running, and some
are not. When possible, I will publish the speeches. This is one of them.
How NOT to Say it
According to the Competent Communicator guide, the theme is supposed to be, “How to Say it”. But the title of my speech is, “How NOT to Say it.” Note the subtle difference. I will provide several examples of how NOT to say things clearly and understandably. I sincerely hope that my evaluator, and everyone else in the audience, will be able to tell whether I’m how to saying it correctly and how not to saying it.
I am supposed to select the right words and sentence structure. I am supposed to use rhetorical devices to enhance and emphasize ideas. And I am supposed to eliminate jargon and unnecessary words and use correct grammar. I will do my best to violate these objectives as much as I can. I’ll also provide some of favorite quotes that manage to have some fun with the English Language. In the process, I hope we can all have some fun.
My friends and family have only vague ideas about what I do here at Progressive. But as I explained to my wife the other day, it’s really pretty simple. I’m a PPA in the ICOE, which is part of EPMO. Of course the EPMO is in IT. My PPA role within ICOE is that of an EA. I could have been a PA, but EA suits me better. All the EA’s use QSM Slim’s toolset for parametric analysis. We even include analogous estimation displayed on logarithmic charts based on benchmarked project history.
Did you catch the jargon and unnecessary words?
Besides explaining all of this to my wife, who was not very impressed but kept asking further questions even though she wasn’t interested in the least at that moment, I am also fond of explaining the project estimation procedure to those whom I am providing estimates to.
Notice the run-on sentence and incorrect grammar? The last time I did launch into such a description in real life, I was asked by someone with a straight face, about the flux-capacitor. The flux-capacitor is the power supply for the time-machine Delorean car in Back to the Future. Some of you may remember some of the lines where the character named Doc says, “the Flux Capacitor needs 1.21 gigawats. Great Scott Marty, where am I going to get 1.21 gigawats?”
Staying with the Science Fiction theme a little more, I used to enjoy the Star Trek television show and movies. In the Next Generation series especially, the characters made great use of technobabble. Technobabble is defined as technical jargon that is purposely incomprehensible.
- Fortunately, I was able to create a chronoton-infused serum that brought you back into temporal alignment.
- Equalize the temporal subspace frame with the argine transducers and multisynaptic alpha-wave.
- Chaotic space intersects ours at the eighteenth dimensional gradient. Voyager entered through A trimetric fracture.
One of the objectives is to use rhetorical devices. But these can go wrong at times as well. Here I have some actual examples of bad metaphors used by students and submitted by their teachers.
- His thoughts tumbled in his head, making and breaking alliances like underpants in a dryer without Cling Free.
- He was as tall as a six-foot, three-inch tree.
- Her vocabulary was as bad as, like, whatever.
- He was deeply in love. When she spoke, he thought he heard bells, as if she were a garbage truck backing up.
I will wrap up my speech with a few other quotes. You may have heard some of these before.
- One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got in my pajamas, I don't know. – Groucho Marx
- Rumors Of My Demise Have Been Greatly Exaggerated. – Mark Twain
- Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful... It's the transition that's troublesome. -Isaac Asimov
- You can observe a lot by watching. - Yogi Berra
- Baseball is 90 percent mental and the other half is physical. - Yogi Berra
- If you don't know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else. - Yogi Berra
- There was a man who entered a local paper's pun contest. He sent in ten different puns, in the hope that at least one of the puns would win. Unfortunately, no pun in ten did.
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