Wednesday, March 06, 2024

And so little of it

I realize that this is insensitive and may be offensive to some, so I apologize in advance. But it does apply to my recent running, so I'll repeat it. Sorry.

Woody Allen tells the story of Jewish ladies talking to each other at a wedding. One lady complains, "The food is awful." Another one agrees, "And there's so little of it."

And so it is with my recent running. It's awful and there's so little of it. Other than a couple of nice runs over the weekend, I've slowed down and also managed to run less than planned. I have reason to believe that this trend may continue into the future as well.

The funny thing is that something like this also happened at the same time last year. I had run a marathon whilst in Florida, got myself recovered and back in shape, only to return to Ohio and crash and burn. Looks like history is repeating itself.

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