Saturday, August 24, 2024

On a roll: today's TP story

In days of old when knights were bold and toilets weren't invented, they left their load in the middle of the road and walked away contented. I suppose that toilet paper came along about the same time as toilets, but that's not what this post is about.

It's about the TowPath. Yeah, that other TP. I had not ventured on it for quite some time, but that's where today's long run was held. Shannon Barnes set it up, and it was a nice one. It helped that the weather was nice, but the company (Shannon and about six others) was great as well. I made it almost to 20 miles, and it was mostly at a pretty good pace (I expect nothing less from this bunch).

Now, I will have to try really, really, really hard to get through the hills of Hinckley tomorrow. Wish me luck, since I'll be nowhere near TP of any kind.

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