Friday, November 22, 2024

The man who ran too much

Let's call him, "Dan." There's an old Alfred Hitchcock movie called, The Man Who Knew Too Much. Dan likes to say that he fits in the opposite category. But it's not quite the same with running. Dan ran quite a bit on his recent cruise, about like he usually does. But not so much recently. 

After all those 70+ mile weeks, Dan's total was much lower last week due to jet lag and the time spent traveling itself (over 30 hours from Singapore). This week, he thought, his mileage would be back up there. It started out okay, but then the residual cruise germs got to him. At least, that's his theory. Regardless of their origin, they've been manifesting themselves in his sinus area, causing an infection. Yes, Dan is fighting back, but, so far, he's not running as much as planned.

Today would be different, he thought. He's feeling slightly better, so it will be 18 miles on the dreadmill. The cold rain and snow of recent days makes running outside less compelling; it'll be nice and warm on the 'ole mill. Everything is ready for that long, boring morning, when Dan notices that his friends are indeed going to run on Lester Rail Trail. Dan thinks, 'Hmm. The rain and snow have mostly stopped. Maybe I should join my friends instead of being a hermit.'

He makes it out there, and it's cold and wet and muddy and snowy. But Dan's friends are there, and he has the run of his life. Or, at least the run of his week. Anyway, it is quite enjoyable. He's glad he did it.

So now, here's the problem. He only did 12 miles, instead of 18. Where will he get the miles he needs to continue to be the man who ran too much?

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