Sunday, March 15, 2020

The Topic of Conversation

Wherever you go, whatever you do, the coronavirus is the topic of conversation. It doesn't matter whether you know the person you're talking with, you certainly have at least some coronavirus-related closing in common. Take runners, for example.

We runners, when we get together, are no different. (See, we're people too.) We invariably talk about races, past, present, and most commonly, future. What are you registered for? What are you training for? You know the drill. These days, virtually every race, large, small, road, trail, silly, serious is getting canceled or postponed. At least the ones within a couple months.

Here's how coronavirus closings are affecting ME.

1) I was set to volunteer at the Buzzard runs yesterday. It was canceled just the day prior. I was off the hook.
2) I was just about to pull the trigger to register for the 50/50 (50K / 50 Mile) Brimstone race next Saturday. I now will not.
3) I have to hear about everyone else's changes of plans due to such cancelations and postponements.

Some additional information. A couple weeks ago, I was running fairly well and also a fair amount in terms of volume. I thought 50K, at least, was doable. Now that I've had some not-so-great long runs during recent tries, I'm not so confident. I don't know why I've slowed, but that good, solid month of Florida running seems to be going to the wayside. Maybe it's the Ohio climate.

And I really don't mind hearing other runners' stories (about their race cancelation woes).

I know they still put up with mine.

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