Sunday, July 11, 2021

Booty McBootface

"Boaty McBoatface" is the name of a British lead boat in a fleet of three robotic Autosub Long Range (ALR) class of lithium battery-powered autonomous underwater vehicles. The name was jokingly suggested but quickly became the most popular choice for an online naming poll.

"Booty McBootface" is a name I've given myself to commemorate my confinement in this confounded boot. It's been weeks and weeks now, but I don't think I'll ever get used to the darn thing. I only remove it for sleeping and showering. It's getting mighty old. I know, I know. So am I.

Not only can I not walk in it, I can't even put weight on it. That may possibly change next Friday, when they will evaluate my progress and possibly allow some weight-bearing. I may also begin physical therapy at that point. 

In the meantime, the only exercise I get is my morning push-ups and crunches. That's been IT! But just today I began to do some work with dumbbells. I'll do more of that.

But for now, suffice it to say that I'm pretty much going Booty McBootface Bananas.

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