Friday, June 25, 2021

Finding my boot and crutches

entered the third door of St. Wenceslas. It’s the one the younger elementary school kids use. I’d left my boot (I’m done with the cast now) and my crutches inside. I went up the stairs and entered the office-building-like interior. It was connected with other office buildings, and as I ran, it started morphing into a shopping mall. I know. I shouldn’t have been running because it was probably bad after the surgery, but I needed to get that boot and crutches. But then, all my dreams involve running these days.

I found the boot, right where I’d left it, in a corner of the mall. After I got it on, I bumped into Joe Biden, who asked me all about my surgery and recovery. Even though his questions were made with genuine concern, I was slightly irritated because I’d recently had the same conversation with him. Sheesh, I thought. Doesn’t he remember? Anyway, I was nice and respectful in my replies.

I finally found all the crutches. There were a bunch of them hanging in a center-mall kiosk. I considered taking some others when I couldn’t find mine right away. But that would have been stealing. I finally found my own, and everything was okay.

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