Saturday, November 19, 2022

I may not be my usual speedy self today

Excuses don't age well. They're best when fresh. Thus, when I say, "I may not be my usual speedy self today" (followed by my myriad of reasons why) at the start of the run, it's much better than trying to express those excuses afterward.

Today, at the start of our long run on the Lester Rail Trail, I say, "I may not be my usual speedy self today," and I get the usual moans and eye rolls. (Not that I can see their eyes rolling in the early morning darkness, but I can feel it happening.) "But lookyahere," I say, "Besides the ridiculous cold and the stupid early hour, and the fact that my muscles are still sore from last week's Loop the Lake run, my feet are absolutely killing me." "Yadda, yadda, yadda," they say. Or at least think. (It doesn't matter which; I can hear it either way.)

About that my feet are killing me thing: it's mostly toelio (an impacted big toenail that's turning black). Of course, it began at Loop the Lake. But instead of improving over the last week, it's gotten worse. That big toe is now extremely sore. I'm trying to treat it by soaking it in hot water and applying antibiotic cream. We'll see where all this takes me.

Running wise, my toe did manage to take me through today's 18 miles. Now it's time to soak it some more.

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