Tuesday, October 10, 2023

4 x 1

This will be in backward order, by the way. There's a good reason for this, but I don't know what that is.


Now, I'm done done. That's what we project-oriented people used to say at work to indicate that something was really and truly done, and no further effort would be forthcoming. Just plain done didn't have the same connotation. Done done in this case means that I've finally completed my one-mile intervals and am doing my final cooldown, which is two slow and easy laps. And another thing: woohoo, I'll get over ten miles in today.


This fourth mile is not going so well. That extended time since the last one may have been a factor. It couldn't possibly be that I'm out of shape. Nope. Not at all. But somehow, I manage to finish this one in a very pedestrian time of 8:37. I suppose I should be happy that I could do it (a fourth one) at all.


My friends are all getting ready to leave. They've done their workouts and jogged their cooldowns. I, of course, joined them for their cooldown laps, light stretching, and talk-talk. I've done three of these one-mile thingies and I've got eight-plus miles in. Should I try to run some more? Maybe even do another (relatively) fast mile? Maybe, baby.


This third one-mile repeat is the best one yet. I'm doing better than eight-minute pace for the first time in a long while. I suppose it helps that my friends are all nearby, doing their things as well. My plan had been to do what I had suggested for everyone else: 1600, 1200, 800, 400, but I called an audible. Having already done one 1600 early and then another one with Chadwick as he started, I decided to keep all of today's repeats at the one-mile distance. Of course, I had to explain this strange behavior, but my friends understand. My (somewhat speedy) time for this one is 7:58.


This time, it's only a half-lap recovery between intervals. Why? Because that's what I suggested in the Facebook post. Why did I do that? Who knows? I make this stuff up as I go along.


My second repeat is with Chadwick Sunday. That's being generous; he's way ahead. But at least we started together. According to my plan, I could call it at 1200 (since I've already done a 1600), but I don't. I do the whole one-mile enchilada. My time of 8:04 isn't too awful.


Everyone is here. They're warming up and I'm cooling down, since I've already got one under my belt. This interval between repeats (I think I actually stated that correctly) is extended a little, but that's okay - we need to catch up on all the latest running news. And there is a lot.


I'm doing it! Running fast (relatively speaking) before anyone else even arrives (Although Michelle and Andy are already warming up on the roads). I consider it a good thing if I can get started early, and an even gooder thing if I can get my fast running started early. This first super-fast mile is completed in eight minutes and eleven seconds.


It's 4:25, and I've even beaten Michelle and Andy Wolff, and that's something. I begin my slow and easy warmup around the track. It's cold and dark, but that's all okay. The main question is, how will my speedwork go today?

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