Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Mom and Family

We were eating breakfast on the 23rd and Debbie noticed mom was having trouble eating. We realized that she couldn't use her right hand or arm. And her right eye was drooping. Debbie gave her a baby asperin and got her dressed and we drove her to Southwest General. She was doing much better by this time (the asperin really did the trick) but they had to do a cat scan, blood tests and an ekg. The diagnosis was a minor stroke. Quite a scare, but she seems fine now. Asperin every day now, and we've got to watch her in case of other strokes.

Party at Sandy and Nancy's last night. About like usual. Fun, big, loud, good food, crazy people. Mom had a great time, and Dave and Carol spent the night rather than drive home.

Today (Christmas), it's over to John and Jill's for more partying.

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