Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Your Dog Attacked

As I went by, I heard the barking behind me. I ignored the attack and kept running. The medium-sized white dog managed to get underneath my feet and knocked me down. I landed on my hands, so other than a small scrape under my glove, I wasn't hurt. But I sure was angry.

This occurred in my neighborhood, within a half-mile of home. Some people were in their front yard, and they had two dogs on leashes. I went to the opposite side, giving plenty of room. I was a couple of houses past them when the attack occurred. After I fell, the dog that attacked ran back towards the two people and their leashed dogs. I yelled, "What's with you people? Leash your dog!"

Okay, maybe that first sentence wasn't the best response, but it just came out of my angry mouth. I was thinking of how irresponsible they had been. The people hardly reacted to my yelling at all. It then occurred to me that the dog may not have belonged to them. It may have belonged to a different neighbor that had not kept it under control. I could have asked. But, typical runner that I am, I just wanted to get going on my run. And so I did.

Somone was irresponsible, whether it was the people that I saw, or someone else.

I'll have to get some pepper spray.

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