Saturday, September 26, 2020

Four For Fun; Fixing Final Finishes

Run 1

At 4:00 AM, Andy Wolff, Michelle Wolff, and Old Dan (OD) begin their run. The time coincides with the 1:00 AM Pacific Time slot that OD is signed up for. The event in question is The Great National Park Relay Race. Teams of 24 runners are associated with National Parks (but not necessarily each other), and each is assigned a time slot for this day. These three runners are indeed on the same team (North Cascades NP), with starting times of 4, 5, and 6. OD even has a second slot at 6:00 on another team as well.

The pace is pretty easy to begin with. OD wonders how anything at all can possibly be easy at 4:00 AM. But he likes to run here on Lester Rail Trail, even in the dark. He also wonders how he ever ran here at this time in the morning before he owned a headlamp.

By the time they've run two and a half miles, OD determines that he may be able to go a bit faster, so he picks up the pace just a bit. The Wolffs hang back. This is wise; they will have their own timeslots later on. OD gets a little faster each mile, and he winds up completing 6.53 miles by 5:00 AM. He has also worked it out so that he is back at the parking area at this time for a short but much-needed break.

The pace for this first run started easy, but then got real

Run 2

Andy takes off for his 5:00 AM leg. OD thinks about going with him. For about 45 seconds. A second necessity break seals the deal; he will let Andy go and run mostly with Michelle for this hour. They (Michelle and OD) get four and three-quarters miles in by 6:00 AM. Time for another break.

Run 3

Now it's Michelle's turn. And OD's (for his other 6:00 AM leg on that other team). Mallory B

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