Saturday, May 08, 2021


Fragrant. That's the word to describe today's run. No, not me. I'm talking about the wildflowers along Lester Rail Trail, lending their scents to any runners who happen by.


As it happens, there are some runners on LRT today. They appear to be Harold Dravenstott, Andy Wolff, Michelle Wolff, and Dan Horvath. The sun comes and goes, as clouds move in and out. There's some misty rain, and then other bright times. Harold has to leave, and then later on the Wolffs do as well. Dan is all alone.

This is almost like old times, thinks Dan. He used to do extra miles - more than anyone else, and he's doing so now, he thinks. But then reality occurs. His Achilles tendon makes itself known with the beginnings of what Dan knows will lead to the usual big-time pain. And the other reality is that this run will only be, at most, twelve miles, as opposed to one of Dan's long runs of 18-20. He hasn't done anything like that in months and months. But he's reasonably happy with today's twelve. Even that is the most in several months. 

As he's finishing up. the pain is coming on strong. And it does indeed assert itself even more on the ride home.

Dan tries to think about the fragrant flowers instead.

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