Monday, May 03, 2021

Over it (the personal reasons)

In an earlier post, I expressed the practical reasons why I wouldn't take back the NorthCoast 24-Hour Endurance Run (NC24) Race Director duties. I finished that post off by saying that "my life has changed, and I've moved on." I thought I'd talk a little bit more about that moving-on statement.

Northeast Ohio is home to a wonderful and accomplished ultrarunning community. Ultrarunners are great people, and they make loyal and lifelong friends. I mentioned Larry Orwin in that previous post. He's one of them. For a good decade or so, I was proud to consider myself a member of this group. 

Unfortunately, a couple years ago, I gradually found that I was no longer able to participate in many of the ultrarunning events due to physical problems and limitations. I won't go into all these, but suffice it to say that they're related to age and injuries. As a result, I've participated in fewer and fewer ultra runs, and I've slowly become out of touch with many (but not all) of my ultrarunning friends. I suppose this is just part of moving on and getting over things.

I am not even going into the toll RDing takes on loved ones. Or the considerations for travel and any other personal events.

It's hard to have a fire in the belly when you're in pain. And it's hard to remain in touch with some of the people who still have that fire. It's enough to get you over it. And to move on.

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