Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Things really are looking up

During my last post. I joked about looking up as in looking up for meteors, and that my actual running was not exactly looking up. Well, I'm pleased to report that I now believe that my running is improving. Mind you, I am still not supposed to be doing this. But I just can't not do it any longer. I go back to the doc next week, and we'll see what he says.

Improving is a relative term. I can say, however, that I'm running slightly farther and slightly faster these days. It helps to have some good friends to run with. Thank you, Harold Dravenstott, Michelle Wolff, and Andy Wolff. I'd be lost without you guys.

Just for posterity, I want to note that I take at least three days off per week, I haven't (yet) gone into double-digit miles, and my average pace has "improved" to around 12-minutes-per-mile. I also still do the PT, and I think it's still helping. I should also note that I am still unable to do a calf raise on my right side. Still working on that.

The Brunswick Marathon is a week and a half away. I am thinking about going for the half-marathon distance, but I don't know whether I'm capable. Somebody stop me.

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