Tuesday, May 10, 2022


 Yes, I've gone and done it. I registered.

No, I don't mean to say that I registered for races (although I am indeed all-in for the Twin Sizzler and the Erie Marathon). The registration I'm referring to here is on the machine they erected in my neighborhood. It's a speed monitor that is intended to inform drivers of their current speed compared with the speed limit. When I see these things, I always try to run fast in order to have the machine report my own speed back to me.

The vast majority of the time, I fail to register at all. It's as if I'm invisible. I am not sure whether this is due to my lack of mass (compared with a motor vehicle), or my relatively slow speed (compared with a motor vehicle). I try to run fast(er) in case it's the latter reason.

Thus, I was quite surprised when the machine near me reported "5" as I approached. Whoa, I thought. I can run faster than that. I picked it up and brought my speed all the way up to "6".

My registration is complete.

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