Sunday, May 01, 2022

Running How I Feel

It's a nice concept, isn't it? Just run how you feel. Feeling just fine today? Go for it; run long and hard. Not doing quite so fine? Then don't push it; your body needed a break anyway. That's all well and good, and it's the best strategy when recovering from an injury. It's a good plan for preventing injuries as well. But it won't get you (or me, in this case), to the next level. For that, you have to push it past your comfort zone.

My own comfort zone has been up to, but not much more than, about ten miles. Yesterday, with the help of some much-appreciated friends, I did twelve decent miles on the Lester Rail Trail. All that was required of me (besides actually running) was the telling of a few semi-worn-out stories. It felt good (the run, not the stories), but I still have a long way to go.

On a related note, it's the same with my weekly mileage. It's been in the 50-55 range for quite some time now. Time to take it up to 60 and beyond. I'm not quite sure when that will occur, but it'll be in my sights starting tomorrow.

In order to provide some additional incentive to kick things up a notch, I just registered for the Erie Marathon, scheduled for September 11. I'd better start training.

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