Thursday, December 29, 2022

We thought it would be easy

"Running: We do this not because it is easy. We do it because we thought it would be easy." Channeling my inner JFK here. I like this one. It ranks right up there with, "Any idiot can run a marathon. But it takes a special kind of idiot to run an ultramarathon."

I have been running a fair amount of miles lately, and I am still waiting for it to get easy. Luckily, I have friends with whom to share the misery. I honestly don't know where I'd be without them.

Today's friendly run began alone, at Medina's wonderful Square. I ran out towards Roscoe Ewing Park, and promptly got lost on the streets located at the far end of the trail. Once I found myself, I had to rush back to the Square in order to meet everyone. Now we ventured out through the park once again, this time with folks who knew their way. Then it was back to the Square again, to drop people off and pick up one more, before heading out through Roscoe Ewing one last time.

Those final few of my eighteen miles were not pretty. You might even say they were pretty ugly. But they're done, and so is this episode of... We do this because...

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