Saturday, September 16, 2023

Somethin' heavy hit me like an atomic bomb - redux

Meanwhile back in the jungle

The boys in the jungle had me on the run
When something heavy hit me like an atomic bomb
When I woke up and my head started to clear
I had a strange feeling I was with cooking gear
I smelled something cookin' and I looked to see
That's when; I found out they was a cookin' me
Great Cuckoo let me outta here...

These are some of the lyrics from Stranded in the Jungle, the 1950s song by the Cadets. That line, something heavy hit me like an atomic bomb was front and center in my mind today, as it was in April when I posted something just like this one. That time, it was about a final mile I struggled with. This time, it's been every mile I've tried to run since I returned home a few days ago. The problem this time is a sinus infection that I picked up whilst I was away.

It's been nasty. I just feel lousy, even as most of my congestion is now going away. My strength, such as it was, has not returned. I've been telling myself that eight miles is the new ten (since I used to run about ten a day, and now eight just about kills me) and that ten is the new twenty (because the ten I did the day after I got home felt like a marathon or more). 

At least I don't have any upcoming races to be concerned with. I'm registered for the Veterans Marathon in November, but I already know that I can't make it to that one. Time to start thinking more about next year instead.

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