Saturday, June 22, 2024

Deer Flies (an open letter)


Deer Flies:

Thank you for ruining a perfectly good run. You started with a surprising bite on my cheek (the one next to my nose, not that other one). I certainly didn't expect that. But then you followed up with nibbles on my neck, shoulders, and head (right through my cap). 

It had started out as a pretty good run. I was staying up in Geneva, Ohio, and I'd just discovered a neat all-purpose trail winding around and through the woods near the Spire facility. Even though it was hot, the area was so pleasant that I couldn't help but enjoy myself. Until I didn't. That is, until that first cheeky cheek bite of yours. Then, the fun and games were over.

As always, I tried running faster to get away from all of you party-poopers, to no avail. The one little bit of satisfaction I got (other than from finishing the run) was when I was able to catch one of you that I'd swatted, and then pull its little wings off. How did you guys like that?

I'm guessing not too much. Too bad.


Your Breakfast


CJ Orwin said...

Dan, deer flies have been the ruin of many a run (walk, hike) for me. I decided to try these deer fly patches ( on a recent walk in the West Woods, where the buggers abound. They work! Peeling off and disposing of the patches is pretty disgusting, though.

Dan Horvath said...

I've got to check those out. Thanks for the tip!