Tuesday, September 03, 2024

When coffee doesn't work, Part 327

You guessed it, today was one of those days. I had every intention of putting in a decent Something of Substance run at the track with my friends. There was no reason to doubt that I could - Friday's Yasso workout went fine, and so did Sunday's double Hinckley 19-miler. Even Labor-Day-Monday saw a decent enough ten-miler with Shannon Barnes. But today, not so much (of a good run). In fact, not so much of a run at all. That coffee just refused to kick in, and then when there finally was some effect, it was the wrong kind. And that's all I'll say about that.

This leaves me in a bit of a quandary. The Erie Marathon is this Sunday. I'd been thinking all along that I'm not quite ready for an 'A' effort; I would just run the distance, perhaps trying to concentrate on finishing strong, even after an easy first half. But then, I saw the weather forecast. It's for a low of 53 and a high of 64. You don't get that kind of marathon weather every time out. I had begun to think that this should be my 'A' effort, and not 3-weeks-away Akron. But now, I'm back to feeling not all-that-ready.

I'd better play it safe. Oughtent I? 

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