Friday, January 01, 2016


Most years I publish an end of year post that's a look back at the previous year's running accomplishments, achievements and milestones. I often entitle these posts with the total number of miles for that year, because that number, to some extent, does tell a story.

But this year, the real story was my extremely slow pace. 10:05 is so much slower than previous years that it's... well, I can't think of the words to go there right now. But they're not good ones. I should add that that slow pace is at least partly because of my Achilles Tendonitis injury. But old age is a factor as well.

The miles? 2806.77: not too awful, compared to other years. Only the pace was awful. I'm hoping for better things in 2016.

Here's where I'm at with all my documented miles over the years:

Year Miles Pace
1978 1224
1979 641.5
1980 0
1981 1221.5
1982 1061.5
1983 1178.5
1984 1110
1985 1128
1986 1401
1987 169
1988 2434
1989 2715.4
1990 2156.7
1991 2450
1992 2888
1993 2715
1994 2520.4
1995 2958 7.9
1996 2780 7.73
1997 3000 7.89
1998 2892 7.72
1999 2780 7.69
2000 3238 7.9
2001 3169 8.22
2002 3356 7.97
2003 3390 7.96
2004 3260 8.19
2005 3263 8.15
2006 3296 7.98
2007 3295 8.24
2008 3200 8.2
2009 3108 8.7
2010 3465 8.31
2011 3676 8.53
2012 3188 8.91
2013 2816
2014 2074 9.16
2015 2806.77 10:05
TOTAL: 92025.27

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