Saturday, January 09, 2021


Long ago, some running guru stated that 30K was the minimum distance for a long run. I don't know how or why he arrived at that exact figure, but he probably had some reason. Maybe because it takes at least two and a half hours or more for the average runner to complete. That amount of time (and now way more than that for me) does take some doing. For some reason, the whole idea stuck with me. Now, 30K is 18.6 miles, and I have conveniently truncated the 0.6-mile, such that I call any sojourn that's over 18 miles a "long run." 

Now that we have that out of the way, I can tell you that I try to do a long run every week, whether I need it or not. Of course, there are long runs and there are long runs. Today's was a long run... on the treadmill. Hey, don't judge me. It was cold outside. To make up for my inside-related wimpiness, I ran an extra quarter-mile (making it 18.25 miles) in order to get a little closer to 30K.

Someday, I'll become a real runner again.

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