Saturday, January 16, 2021

The Coach Sven Report, January, 2021

Hello, Invisible Coach Sven here. Dan has mentioned me in this blog from time to time, but now I'm taking it over. Oh, I'll give it back to Dan someday. Maybe.

I should mention that I'm growing concerned about Dan. Yes, of course he's old and getting older. And yes, of course that old age means he's running slower than ever. But what worries me most is his utter lack of motivation. This appears to be a new problem. I am working on it, but it's tough out there. 

Here are some notes from a conversation I had on a recent run on the Lester Rail Trail with Dan.


Yes, I know it's a long run, but you're moving pretty slow, old friend.

I know. Of course, I'm faster than you. I always have been. But that's not saying much these days. It doesn't matter anyhow, because I'm the coach and you are my charge. Our goal is to get YOU to run faster, better, and stronger.

Don't tell me to do that. Especially not with my dear mother. Now, you don't need to run all that fast today. Just try to keep a steady pace for all 18 miles.

You shouldn't say things like that about my family. Even though you're getting tired, try to keep the pace up.

You want to what to my face? Please, just concentrate on your run. You are slowing down way too much, and your form has gone to sh!t.

Ouch! Hey, if you attack me further, I will quit being your coach.

No, wait. I didn't really mean it. I will still be your coach no matter what.

Ouch! Stop that now! Okay, only a few miles to go. Stop shuffling like that, Try to be mindful of your form.


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