Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Imperfect Ten and Christine Clark

These weekday ten-milers are getting tougher and tougher. At least I think so.

Yesterday was a run-outside day. Because the weather was better, you ask? No, that's not it. This winter, the weather's been crappy every single darn day. I just run outside when I can't stand the treadmill any longer. That happens at least every other day or so. The run was a slog. I got the ten miles in, but it sure wasn't pretty. Not that the snow and the cold helped.

Would today be different? It would be on the mill. Because the weather's lousy, you ask? No, that's not it. The weather's crappy every single darn day, but this day I wanted to do something of substance, and that would only happen on the dreaded mill. Somehow, it did: I managed 8 x 1200, a typical mill interval workout for me. It wasn't pretty, but once again I got my ten miles in.

Then came the analysis. I looked at my heart rate, both average and max, for this workout versus other mill interval workouts and other track interval runs. Even though I hit roughly the same times, my heart rate was higher today. I think this means I'm in not-so-good shape. 

Speaking of mill running, there's this about Christine Clark. She was relatively unknown in 2000, when she came out of nowhere to win the U.S. National Marathon Olympic Trial. It turned out that she had done all or most of her training on a treadmill. She lived in Alaska, and the mill was the only method she had of training hard for the trials run. It also enabled her to watch her young children during her training.

By representing the U.S. at the 2000 Sydney Olympics, she became a hero to treadmill runners everywhere!

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