Thursday, June 23, 2022


I feel like I'm a different runner than I was a couple years ago. What's changed? Of course, I had that Achilles surgery. And I'll admit it: I'm older too. But it's a little strange, like every day is new. I'm not sure whether that's good or bad, but I am sure that I miss my old semi-speedy, semi-ultra self.

Two years ago, I was running every day. I was running a lot. And I was running fast. Fast? Well, remember that speed is, in Einstein's words, relativistic. All that volume enabled me to complete a 60K birthday run with Larry Orwin, a pretty good early-fall marathon, and a late-fall 50K

2021 was not so stellar. In the months leading up to the May surgery, I was not running well at all. Maybe all those 2020 miles took their toll. Or maybe it's just the age thing. After the surgery, I was forced to go several months without running at all. When my running finally did start, it was next to nothing, at least to begin with.

This year, I've been running more and more, but I am still nowhere near my 2020 level of fitness. And running just feels different. Tedious and more difficult. Will I ever get that old mojo back? Will I become that guy again?

Time will tell.

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