Monday, June 27, 2022

Eight is Enough

 Today's run, by the numbers:

5:15 - The approximate start time of my interval workout at Buckeye High School. It was nice and cool, and just beginning to get light.

6:00 - The approximate time that the mowers started. The BHS athletic fields include acres and acres of grass. The mowers are over, around, and through the track where I'm trying to run. It bothers me a bit, but I keep going. I suppose I bother them as well.

800 - The half-mile distance of each repeat today, and most interval workout days. You might say it's my go-to speed distance.

90 - The percentage of effort I try to give to most each repeat. You know: keep that imaginary potato chip between your thumb and first two fingers. Keep your eyelids at half-mast. Still run fast; just not all-out.  All that stuff.

90 - The percentage of each repeat that I try to give 90% of my effort. The last 10% of each one should get 100% effort. That's when I clench my teeth, allow my eyes to bulge, and dig deep.

4:17 - My average time for the 800s today. I am not proud of this, since it wasn't so long ago that I could do them around 45 seconds faster. But, like Attila the Hun says, it is what it is.

80% - The percentage of a Yasso workout that I achieved today. That is, I did 8 800s, rather than the 10 I would need to consider this a true Yasso. But since I did only 5 last week, and since I'm still on the comeback trail, I'm not unhappy about this. At least I got this far.

I'll be much happier when I can report a 100% on that last one, however.

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