Saturday, October 03, 2020

Towpath Trail Training Trot: Twenty-Two Today

The Towpath Trail on a Different, but Similar Fall Day

Excuse me if I've used this blog post title before. If so, I can assure you that today's twenty-two was tremendously more tremendous than any previous Towpath trail twenty-two. Now repeat that sentence three times, fast.

Larry Orwin and I started in the dark at 6:00 AM. After four or so murky miles, it began to get light, so we left our headlamps at the car, refueled, and headed south this time. By the time we got to Peninsula, the sun was up, it was getting warmer, and autumn colors were out in all their glory.

We picked up the pace on the way back, and it was time for Larry to call it a day. It had been a good solid 18, but I wanted more. I should say, that with two marathons coming up, I needed more. So back out I went.

Ever had one of those runs where everything goes as planned, and you run well and finish strong? Me neither. But today's run came close. Now running alone, I did manage to keep a decent pace for another four miles.

It's always great to run with Larry. The miles go by fast.

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