Friday, May 12, 2023

Tale of two tremulous trots

I wanted to call them two tremendous trots. But unfortunately, they weren't.

After jogging nearly not at all for two weeks, I wanted to hit the ground running, and so I did Monday morning. It helped that Michelle Wolff had messaged me just as I landed a few hours earlier on Sunday evening. Good going, think I. How about a nice long run to make up for that lack of training during the trip, think I. How hard can eighteen miles be, think I.

That run didn't go quite as planned. Sore and tired, I struggled through the final miles. Good thing Michelle was there with me; she helped me at least get to my long run threshold of eighteen miles. It's just that they weren't very pretty.

Fast forward a few days of slogging, and it's time to try it again. Once again, it's on the Lester Rail Trail, but this time Michelle and Andy Wolff are with me for the early start. That goes okay. I then run the second five-plus by myself as it's getting light, and that goes okay. Shannon Barnes shows up for my final six, and (as I might have predicted), the pace gets faster.

Until it doesn't. I struggle mightily during my last mile, and I can't even call it a long run, as the total on my Garmin shows only 17 and a quarter. Overall, though, this run was better than Monday's.

Things can only continue to get better right? I still have time to get in shape for next weekend's Cleveland Marathon. Right? RIGHT??

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