Monday, August 22, 2005

Yesterdays Travel and Todays Run - 2005-08-22

Yesterday I took Continental instead of Northwest due to their strike. I was mixed up about the departure time and wound up checking in only 15 minutes before departure. Departure was gate D14 - as far away as you can get in Cleveland. It was really tough to run with all my paraphenalia. But somehow I made it. It was nice getting in a bit earlier.

VERY nice and cool for today's run. The coolest (about 53F) in many months. The air felt great, but I didn't. I was still tired and sore. But I managed to still do ok for my run along the river - one of my usual courses. I did the first half in a very slow 61, and the second half in a decent 56.5 minutes. Hope I can recover for tomorrow's run.

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