Wednesday, March 17, 2021

A tale of my apparatus (Don't worry, it will be short)

During the early years, we had a runner at the NorthCoast 24-Hour Endurance Run carrying a myriad of large American Flags. The flags were kept upright with the help of a brace/holder that the gentleman carried on his back. It was quite a contraption, and I’m sure it was both heavy and awkward to hold for hours and hours during an ultramarathon.

When he stopped to use the restroom, he was going to have to leave the whole thing outside because it was too big to take in. Wondering how it would remain upright, a friend remarked, “He probably needs to ask someone to hold his apparatus while he uses the urinal.”

We will return to this subject in just a minute, but did you know that the various lightsaber colors have detailed explanations? I was aware that the ones used by the bad guys are usually red, and those of the good guys are often green or blue. I had forgotten (or didn’t notice), that there are yellow and purple ones as well. For further information here is a geeky, detailed explanation of Every Major Lightsaber Color (And What They Mean).

I think about lightsaber colors when I see other runners wearing their Noxgear Tracer 360 lighted vests. Most mornings, I see a couple of other runners out and about in my neighborhood. I notice that Bob always has his set to aqua (let’s call it blue), and Rita’s is always green. Me? I’m the red guy. I hope that doesn’t make me evil. We're a pretty colorful bunch, and you can always tell us apart.

My Tracer 360 vest is sometimes referred to as my apparatus. My old apparatus became stiff and then broke. The piping (which carries forth the LED lighting over the shoulders) is made of some kind of rubbery/plastic-like material. When it broke apart, I tried to fix it with superglue, but that only lasted a couple days. I had to have it replaced with a brand new apparatus.

Thank goodness – the new one works fine now.

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