Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Discomfort Zone

 Yesterday's post was all about getting out of a comfort zone. Today it's about getting into a discomfort zone. That means it's about speedwork, sometimes known as something of substance. More specifically, 10 x 800, sometimes known as Yasso 800s. Check out this semi-amusing post about the workout itself. 

Been a while... For track running (almost two months), for getting out and away from home (except for yesterday), and for really pushing myself for a prolonged period (except for some on the mill, which shouldn't count for as much). So discomforture was anticipated.

There was no disappointment on that front. Oh, the first seven or so 800s were decent enough. They were all in the 3:50s and 3:40s; only a little slower than last summer and fall. It helped that there were a couple other people at the track to keep one honest.

The time for number 8 was 3:50, which was still fine, but the writing was on the wall. Now alone on the track with two 800s to go, things suddenly got real. It was just a shuffling jog for numbers 9 and 10, as they were well over 4 minutes each. 

The overall average was 3:57. That's pretty good, considering. But those last two.....

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