Thursday, July 11, 2024

Local Traffic Only

Been a tough summer. The heat isn't as bad here as for other parts of the planet, but it's still hot enough for me, thank you. And of course, it's not just the heat, it's the humility.

It wasn't wonderful last week when we turned the water on, and the water didn't come on. That's about the same time that we noticed the preponderance of traffic cutting through our subdivision. The problem? One of Brunswick's several annual water main breaks had occurred right by our subdivision. The water service was restored later that same day, thank goodness, but the road has remained closed through today. It does look like they may be able to re-open it soon.

What a unique opportunity, I thought. I can run on the usually busy 303 with only local traffic to bother with. But that's not the way things turned out. Not only is there a lot of local traffic, I think much of the traffic isn't truly local; they're just cutting through. So not only is there still some traffic on 303 itself, cars are going every which way through the subdivision and everywhere else.

None of this would bother me so much if I was running better. But I'm not, so it does.

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