Tuesday, July 02, 2024

The Hinckley Nine (Times Two)

It had been a while since I'd run the old nine-mile Heavenly Hinckley Hills course. It had been a long while since I'd done it twice. There had been some talk about a 7:30 loop to follow our standard 6:00 AM one, but those talks fell through. Not wanting to run so late alone for a second loop, I show up early to get it done and out of the way before the 6AM'ers even appear. Early means 4:15 AM or so.

Naturally, that first mile up Bellus Road hill is pretty darn slow. But I somehow find a slow but steady pace after that, and I somehow manage to complete the circuit before anyone else arrives. It's mighty warm and humid, just as it's been since the early morning gloom. Will I be able to stay with these fast folk for miles 10-18?

Surprisingly, I can and I do. My second loop gets done much faster than my first. Not bad. But now I gotta keep doing these doubles.

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