Monday, July 29, 2024

Mindless Madness

Bridge on the River Kwai is one of my all-time favorite movies. I've seen it about a hundred times. At the end of the movie, the Dr. Clipton character, flabbergasted by the events that transpired, walks around and exclaims, "Madness!"

It speaks to the madness of war, But it's also a metaphor for the current state of my running. 

After last week's failed attempt at a long run, I ran another 14 on Lester, followed by a rare day off, and then two 9-mile heavenly Hinckley Hills loops on Sunday, where I finally did achieve true long runniness. Somehow, it's all adding up to a lot. Maybe too much.

Today, I thought, would be easier. Just bang out a few mindless miles on the mill. It's what I did last Monday, when I similarly needed a bit of rest. But that didn't happen. At the last possible moment, I learned of a group run from the (Medina) Square. I can't not run with these friends, so over to the Square I went. 

It was a decent six-mile-ish run, and I was happy to be able to mostly stay with the small group. "How many more are you gonna do, Dan?" asked Harold Dravenstott, as he was getting ready to leave. "Double digits for the day would be nice, but I'm mighty tired," I answered.

Then it was time for some seriously mindless miles. These would be over to, and around the middle school track. When I got there, the mindless madness ensued. I suppose I could have kept going, but I did indeed become more than a little mightily tired. I got up to eight, which is actually 10 in base eight.

Want more mindless madness? Stay tuned.

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